I went to a party tonight

I have often worked in the shadows, whatever that means. But tonight I exposed myself to a political event like no other (one moment while I dry off from my very hot shower).

While I will not expose some of the things I heard (because I am a man of my word, sometimes) I will give you a quick rundown.

A reporter got a good dig on me (still laughing)

I met a pro-choice Republican (that is in denial)

The Democrats still don’t get it (and they loves their Mike Huether)

HyVee is a grocery store that has a lobbyist come to these things (What?!)

Candidates won’t sign petitions (because they are afraid they might be right on an issue)

Some teabaggers get it (or don’t?)

And Jenna Haggar still talks to me (even though she knows she should not 🙂

And you should all vote for Richard Schriever.

I ended the night with a good friend eating this;


Snow Gates; The Photo Shoot

Had a little fun today with this sign. Last tally on signatures is well over 1,500. There will be a booth at the Benson’s Flea Market next Saturday to sign the petition. There will also be some educational materials on how they work.

Someone should tell the mayor he doesn’t have to work on Sundays.

It seems the Almighty even thinks snowgates are a good idea. (I did not photoshop this, in fact it was an accidental shot).

It’s always good to have David on your side.

Is healthcare money being used to promote a Sales Tax increase?

Proponents of M15 hard at work

J-Ellis wrote a great column today about how the healthcare industry in SD is pushing to promote a sales tax increase that will pump up to $85 million into their coffers;

Well, the U.S. House advertising won’t win any awards. But on the horizon comes the long-awaited campaign from the people who hope you’re going to vote to raise your own taxes. According to documents collected by Argus Leader reporters and reporter David Montgomery’s account, the people running Moving South Dakota Forward are preparing to spend more than $250,000 in October on television ads.

We won’t know until the campaign reports donations, but it’s a safe bet that the effort will be bankrolled by the major nonprofit hospital systems in South Dakota. And by major nonprofit hospital systems, you can count those on one hand, even if that hand happened to lose a couple digits in a blender accident.

The two hospital goliaths in Sioux Falls spent a good chunk of change to help win voter approval of a new events center last November. One of them, and this is no place to name names, subsequently has spent more money to secure the partial naming rights for said facility. That same nonprofit hospital system is building a fancy sports complex of its own, thanks in part to a generous tax subsidy.

So let’s assume the hospitals are the major contributors to the IM 15 campaign. It won’t be lost on a lot of voters that the hospitals stand to make a lot of money if IM 15 passes. After all, they see a lot of Medicaid patients, and injecting $85 million a year into Medicaid certainly would mean higher reimbursement rates for the professionals and organizations that provide those services.

Few campaigns are perfect. IM 15 asks the state’s voters to sacrifice more of their money in the name of children, the poor and the elderly. That will be a tough sell.

But the sales job will only be tougher if voters think that by opening their wallets, they are only contributing more to the coffers of the nonprofit hospital systems.

Remember just a few years ago the same organizations pumped thousands of dollars into newspaper advertising to help kill Medical Marijuana Measure 13 which was polling well until the ads came out, crushing M13. Of course the healthcare industry had a lot to lose if M13 passed. They want you to use and buy their expensive narcotic painkillers instead of a natural, less expensive, more effective drug like marijuana. They will use the same tactics this time around to suck more money out of us. And they will probably use the tired old argument that if we don’t increase sales taxes there will be an income tax. Hogwash. As long as Republicans run Pierre (which will probably be for the next 1,000 years) there will be NO income tax in SD. Remember also, if this tax increase is approved by voters, this will just give the state the go ahead to spend the other 4 pennies on whatever they want, like refunds and bailouts to companies and corporations that want to locate here. Tune out there message as much as possible and vote NO on M15, unless of course you like subsidizing Sports Complexes and Entertainment facilities.



Poetry Club with Charles Luden

The  Shotwell  Boogie

It starts with a bleep then
two honks on the tenor sax
You don’t know if it’s 4/4 or 6/8 time yet
Then the bass comes with
strong pulses
syncopating with snare and bass drum
Sax blasts a train sound
The guitar does an airy descent and
picks up electric shock crackle
at the bottom
and it’s off
We jump to dance

Charles Luden • 7-27-08
Inspired by Joel Shotwell performing at Touch of Europe (From my poetry archive)