Spellerberg Outdoor Pool Advocates plan petition drive

There will be a press conference on Tuesday, October 2, at the main DT library at 4 pm to announce the petition drive pertaining to the Spellerberg proposal. The petition is for replacement of the OUTDOOR facility. It got stamped at the city clerk’s office yesterday. They have until March 27 to get the required signatures.

Mayor Mike Huether made some interesting statements about the Spellerberg Pool yesterday at a Masonic luncheon.

He made it known for the first time that Western Avenue will need to be widened. I wonder what Park Ridge merchants think about their parking lot possibly getting smaller?

He was also asked about placing the indoor pool at the Sanford Sports Complex. His response was that HE wants a “stand-alone facility”. I guess that is his decision and his alone.

Just for clarification, neither Stehly or I are involved with the Spellerberg petition drive, we already have our hands full with the snow gates drive. But I have given some advice to them and have helped them with gathering some information, and have promised to post updates about their drive. Like I have said in the past I am not against a public indoor pool, and the petition drive organizers are not either. It is just a matter of poor location and lack of funding information. We still do not know the cost and if any private dollars will be involved.