Is the AL’s political reporter, David Montgomery a SD GOP apologist?

Maybe not, but it seems every time I read something on David’s blog or hear him talk on the AL’s ‘100 Eyes’ show, he is defending state Republicans. Don’t get me wrong, David knows his shit, he is a fountain of information when it comes to political science. But he ain’t no J-Ellis, who has continually walked the non-partisan road in his reporting.

David reminds me of current Thune-Bag staffer, Jon Lauck who ran a pro ‘Thune’ blog under the guise of independence during the Daschle campaign, while getting paid by the Thune campaign and taxpayers as a professor at SDSU.

David, I like your reporting, and I think you are very knowledgeable, but don’t be a Lauck. Be a man. Report in a non-partisan fashion.