Snowgate petition drive off to a strong start

Stehly told me that her and her volunteer got about 130 signatures today. I also attended the Democratic Forum today and was able to get about 30 signatures with the help of a friend.

I see Stehly had someone watching her 🙂

The rumor circulating is that snowgates are never going to happen if it was up to the mayor or the city council. Just like the RR Relocation project, the testing areas are just smoke and mirrors.

I encourage everyone to sign the petition and vote for snowgates this Spring.

Photos of the day (Guest Poster)

He is pretty proud of his Brandywine Heirloom tomatoes. Check out the weight. Not sure if you have had one of these tomatoes fresh from the garden, but they are fantastic. Exploding with flavor. Slice them up, put a little pepper, balsamic and feta on them and you have an amazing salad.

I have actually seen this van around town. The German shepherd sticker has always thrown me off.

The ‘Bubba’ Question (Guest Poster)

By now you have heard many GOP speeches and TV talking heads extolling the virtues of giveaway programs to the rich and powerful while stripping the rest of us of the few remaining morsels available to keep us going.  The ‘religious’ based prosperity gospels promoted would have had both the atheist Ayn Rand and St. Ronald Reagan excommunicated from today’s GOP.  Even the Randian disciple, Paul Ryan, only uses Ayn Rand like a Perkin’s menu, “I’ll take a little of this with a bit of that, but make it look like a dessert so it will go down easier.”

Every person I have known who claims to be a Libertarian has no idea what the term ‘Libertarian’ means. To sum up it up a true Libertarian society think in terms of these current Libertarian societies, Haiti and Rwanda. These governments are in place to only protect property rights. Having a government with any more power than protecting who owns what, only gets in the way of raping the land and people.  Is this what we as a society want for America? None of these fake Libertarians understand they would not be allowed to vote or own property in the land of their Randian dreams.  If you do not own property in Randian land, you have no rights to anything.  We have a land of returning to the middle ages of privileged landed aristocracies.  The landed aristocracy will dole out to the serfs the leftovers.


Former President Clinton has been asking many questions during recent speeches. The most important one has been this, “Do you really want to live in a country where one party is so desperate to win the White House that they go around trying to make it harder for people to vote if they’re people of color, poor people or first generation immigrants?”  The Clinton question could not even be allowed in a Randian controlled society much less addressed.  We are expanding this question to include South Dakota.

We are asked why we are exposing the Koch Brothers, John Birchers, ALEC, RSLC, TeaBaggers and more.  This massive campaign money question now has the Bubba Answer:

“Do you really want to live in a country where one party is so desperate to win the White House that they go around trying to make it harder for people to vote”.

The massive money flowing into the special piggy banks of Gant, Jackley, Nelson, Fiegen, Daugaard and more, must be exposed.  This allows us see who owns our pretend Libertarians and powerbrokers masquerading as GOP officials.

Just to let you know, a state like South Dakota is where elective offices can be bought ‘cheaply’.  They who gain office through this money, is bought and owned by the givers of the money.  We all know many of our local money changers who have ‘owned’ offices in Pierre.  The demise of Bill Janklow has caused a power vacuum in South Dakota.  We now have ‘out of state’ groups filling the money pool in order to own Pierre.  Much of this money is given through covert methods and through PACs giving to candidates who in turn give to other candidates.

The givers of the money want to make this state another incubator for their ideas of ownership because you know, ownership has advantages.

AND if you don’t think the voting tabulation companies, such as ES&S are not concerned about keeping us as clients, consider this.

Last year Minnehaha county paid $9,000 for 100,000 BLANK ballots. What are ‘Blank’ ballots? See, you have to use a certain type of ballot when using a certain type of vote tabulation machine. These companies print millions of them. They simply have a special corner cut and a barcode on them. The local auditor is responsible for the final ballot. 9 cents for a blank piece of card stock is highway robbery, and that is why these companies give so dearly to campaigns.

Let’s get this (snowgate) party started

Kermit Staggers signing the snowgates petition at tonight’s meeting.

The city is already starting to put up ‘roadblocks’ or should I say ‘snowgates’. The mayor claims he will get snowgates implemented (even though he needs council approval). The city clerk thinks there will be no challengers in the school board election, so no need for an election (even though I have had four names given to me of people that are possibly running). The city attorney also wants to take a peek at the initiative language. Go for it! Former AG Mark Meierhenry helped edit the initiative language (not Pro-Bono), I would put Mark’s expertise of state law up against David Fiddle-Faddle any day of the week.

Stehly told me that 30 volunteers attended the meeting tonight, and many stepped up to help out in other ways.