SDPB Meet the candidates – Some early DaCola endorsements

Yes, Angie, there is a lot of garbage that needs to be taken out in Pierre.





I thought I would add a Republican to the mix;


I don’t even follow Australian politics, and this stuff is funny

Has Australian PM Julia Gillard been treated any differently by Pickering to the male and other female characters he’s drawn over the years? (click to enlarge)

In 30+ years of cartooning, I’ve never seen a politician, let alone a Prime Minster, react to cartoons and / or questions in such a way that he (or she) would resort to personal abuse and denigration of the satirist at a press conference. Julia Gillard lost it.

The Australian Prime Minister attacked cartoonist Larry Pickering at a media conference, not once but three times, labelling him, his cartoons and relevant revelations and questions about her dodgy past, a ‘misogynist’, ‘sexist’, ‘smear’ campaign. (He’s drawn a relatively few cartoons of Julia nude – but no private part showing). Commentators are now wondering, “Golly, Pickering hasn’t drawn male politicians like that, has he? He must be a misogynist sexist. The cartoons are offensive. He must be a woman hater.”


And to think Councilor Vernon Brown was upset about my cartoon of him in a swimsuit at Drake Springs Pool.

I’m sure the business climate is fantastic in SD

Shut Up! And go make some croutons!

This is golden, interviewing a restaurant owner, who probably pays his servers $2.13 and hour, talking about how much money he is making in South Dakota;

Don Smith enjoys preparing Margherita Cheesecake, one of his signature desserts at Casa Del Rey. Smith opened the restaurant in Sioux Falls more than 30 years ago.

And at one time Smith had up to six restaurants in several states. But he says South Dakota has the most business-friendly environment.

“Our economy seems to be so stable here. The taxes are low. We don’t have a corporate tax like all the other states around us,” Smith said.

C’mon Don. Just say it. You only have to pay servers $2.13 an hour. Sounds like a pretty damn good business climate to me.

Oh, but it gets better, Mr. ‘Shut Up and Go Make some Croutons’ chimes in;

South Dakota’s commissioner for economic development isn’t surprised by the recent survey’s results.

“The two focuses we see are the tax environment, the labor issues and I think productivity also goes into that,” Governor’s Office of Economic Development Commissioner Pat Costello said.

Another Republican who has enjoyed the hospitality anti-worker laws in this state to line his pockets in many bar and restaurant ventures he has been involved with.

While these guys are making money on the backs of hardworking hospitality workers, I can tell you they are the only ones cashing in. Servers talk, and the big talk around town is how tip percentages have seen a steep decline over the past four years, while menu item prices have increased, as well as tip-out percentages, tips have been in the toilet. It is not uncommon to get a 5% or 10% tip these days. Take into account, as a server you have to ‘tip-out’ your co-workers which can be about 25% or your tips (depending on where you work). Basically the restaurant owners are squeezing their servers by charging more, and in return we receive less of a tip.

While restaurants around town have seen record sales and growth, servers are seeing the pinch.

GSS&S or ES&S. It’s all Greek to me.

Guest Poster contributed

No bid contracts? No contracts? Request for Quotes? How does ES&S get paid to run our elections with their equipment?  Where is the trail of usual (even unusual) payments we should be able to follow? Or is it a trail of tears? Whatever it is, it’s messy.  Let us know if this helps you understand who is controlling our voting.

Remember when we went started looking into Jason Gant’s special PAC financiers and found GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES INC. (we’ll call it GSS&S for short) Well, we finally located data with the ES&S connection as in GSS&S is a Nebraska corporate shell.

You will notice the only difference between the two companies is their ‘Nature of Business’. It seems GSS&S is setup to do the sales and marketing for ES&S. But other then that, they reside in the same office and have the same corporate officers (you will see them listed on the PDFs below).

GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES INC – Nebraska Secretary of State – John A..pdf – Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended

ES&S – Nebraska Secretary of State – John A

• Without much notice even by Google, we have GSS&S appearing. Was it setup just to sell to ES&S products undercover to South Dakota or just give campaign donations to Gant’s PAC?

• Why can’t we find any contracts for the services of GSS&S or ES&S? (go for it, do a search)

The only thing we find is the contribution.  By the way, view this corporationWIKI page and the read the WIKI for a summary of ES&S and their past(?) ownership of Diebold / Premiere.  According to California and Florida SOS as of 6/15/2012, ES&S still owns or controls most voting systems in the world despite a ‘sale’ of certain intellectual properties in 2010 to Dominion Voting Systems. What does this little information do to election results of 2012 for everyone?

Pretty scary, Huh?