Where is the city going with snowgates?

Director Huber throws a lot of snow at our faces about snowgates: (FF: 48:00)

I first want to share an email exchange I had with city officials on Monday;

ME: Mark (Cotter – CC Huether),

Can I get a copy of the snowgates presentation today before you present it to the council tomorrow in the informational?

Dean Borchardt: Scott, Thank you for your interest in the snow gate topic.  Public Works will be presenting directly from the memo which was previously sent to the Council and is currently posted on the City website.  We will highlight this information, discuss our future plans, and proceed directly into Councilor’s questions.  If you have any questions following the informational meeting, please let us know.

ME: So you are not going to present any test results?

DEAN: Scott, We are planning to share what we learned that can be added to our data sets.

ME: So will you be sharing test data that is not included on the city’s website currently?

NO RESPONSE after that.

I will say this, the city is just farting around on snowgates. The city council and mayor will never approve these to be used city wide. Never.

I personally think the only way snow gates will ever happen in Sioux Falls is if it is put on the ballot. While that can be messy and time consuming the nice part about an initiative is that CITIZENS get to write the ordinance, not the city.

Community activist, Theresa Stehly talked at public input Tuesday about how wonderful snow gates are (FF: 5:45)



UPDATED: Why are two of the largest SOS’s office contractors donating thousands to Jason Gant’s PAC?

Looks like someone is getting a pretty good return on their money: COMMITTED TO VICTORY PAC 2012 Campaign Finance Feb 1, 2012

Guest Poster contributed;

The Atlas Shrugged opening “Who is John Galt?” brings to mind our SOS office.  Why?  A few things. The expression of helplessness and despair of the novel’s fictionalized world? Well partly, how about seeing the address of one Jason Gant’s major benefactors is at 11208 John Galt Blvd, Omaha, NE 68137?  This Randian address is home to a company,”GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES INC”., not even in the Omaha telephone book, how’s that for openness? Do you know who is actually at this address, Election Systems & Software., ES&S.

Why would ES&S have to buy into the South Dakota SOS office through an unknown or fictitious name?  They are already our major supplier of  voting systems to the state of South Dakota, just search the internet see what kind of reputation they have. Remember the PACs we discussed yesterday here on SouthDacola.com to funnel money around? Jason setup a PAC called Committed to Victory PAC (document above) where ES&S deposited $10,000.00 and BPRO deposited $7,000.00 for distribution as he saw fit. They are also the two biggest contracts out of the SOS’s office. Both companies are making thousands of dollars from the taxpayers.

If you go here and type in BPRO you will be able to view their contracts.

An interesting side note to ES&S is their allegiance to corporatist GOP causes.  In 1992 a wealthy ambitious Nebraska businessman bought a smallish software company with possibilities, American Information Services (AIS), later known as Election Systems & Software (ES&S).  By 1996, Chuck Hagel ran for senate in Nebraska, votes counted by ES&S. Hmm? In 2004, it was reported now Senator Hagel promised President Bush Tom Daschle would be defeated in South Dakota. ES&S, Like Diebold, Premier Election Solutions and others have interesting histories of unusual vote counting practices.

So back to the original question, why does ES&S have to hide their ‘donation’ through an entity not even listed in the phone book or even Google?  Well we have more amazing examples of brashness we are researching and will be back soon with more.

It appears Government Systems is a real company (within the ES&S offices) but what is their purpose? GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS, SOFTWARE AND SERVICES INC – Nebraska Secretary of State – John A..pdf – Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended