State Democrats have a candidate in Senate District 6

Richard Schriever filed today at the State Democratic HQ to run for SD Senate District 6. Richard’s motto will be “A Balanced Perspective.” Richard comes from one of the founding families of the area, having lived and worked in every community in the district, having been both employed and an employer, having done the hard manual work of farming and construction as well as holding advanced degrees and working with the highest level executives at major multi-national corporations.

Richard says this;

I am a native of Tea, grew up in Tea, Sioux Falls and rural Harrisburg and am a graduate of Lennox High School.  I am an alumni of USD and Augustana College, and hold an advanced degree from a California School. I have been a small business owner and manager both in South Dakota and California and have consulted to major US and international companies, but I have also been a farmer, a welder and a bricklayer.  I currently live in Lennox, SD, where I have chaired the Planning Commission for 5 years.

I believe I will bring a well-rounded and balanced perspective to Pierre as your senator from District 6.  My goals in Pierre would be to assure that the people come first, and not just one point of view or another, but that everyone is equally considered. We need to move the state forward in a fair and transparent way.

Wet dead tree

A South Dacola foot soldier sent me this photo of his wet newspaper. He says it happens quite often. I asked him if it was bagged? He said it was, but they don’t tie the ends or the bag has holes in it so the water gets right in. Ah, nothing like pulling a wet paper out a wet bag.

There is one benefit of reading a wet paper, you can see pages 1-3 without even turning a page 🙂

Instead of focusing on ‘investigative reporting’ I suggest they ‘investigate’ how their carriers are delivering papers.

Sanford’s VP, Dave Knudson, makes a curious statement about the EC

Image: Dave Knudson

Besides the fact that the council is not allowed to make changes to the contract, I found Dave’s statement yesterday during the working session meeting a bit odd (watch the entire meeting);

“We were very surprised to discover last Thursday that we were the only group to submit a bid,” Sanford Health Vice President Dave Knudson said.

What?! Was Dave told that by Smith and the Mayor or is he just flat out misleading the public and council?

On the day of the announcement of the naming rights, the councilors and members of the media were handed a packet that said that there were other companies that had interest in naming rights;



Orthopedic Institute

First Dakota Bank

It is also well known that ONE of these entities did make an offer. Rumor has it was around $400,000 a year for 20 years, obviously not even close to Sanford’s offer, BUT, still an offer. What would be the harm in mentioning that an offer was made, without saying who it was?

As Huether was rumored to say at the CNA Surety building ribbon cutting, (Paraphrasing) “There some deals made the public cannot be let in on.” (and have to be made behind closed doors)

Who needs transparency when we have leaders like this? Huh?