UPDATED: Why is the co-owner of one the largest development companies in Sioux Falls sitting on the SF Parks board?

Image: Chamber News

I have known about Pat Lloyd’s appointment for a long time, which was just recently renewed by mayor Huether;

Pat Lloyd – Term Expires – May 2017 *

It has been a concern of mine for quite a while, but after the recent River Greenway improvements in front of a proposed hotel being developed by Pat’s husband, Craig Lloyd, that concern has been turned up a notch.

To be honest with you, I have fielded many complaints about this from former city volunteer board members, citizens and even council members that think this is a clear conflict of interest.

Yah think?

There is something I have known about Sioux Falls for a very long time, it’s who you know, not what you know. Not to sound like Tim Stenga, but there is a select group of people controlling things in Sioux Falls. Do you think it was an accident that the Events Center is going to be named after Denny Sanford? Do you think that any other business in Sioux Falls or even regionally or nationally had a chance?

What shocks me about Pat’s appointment is the blatant in your face conflict of interest. Why would she vote against anything that would benefit her husband’s development business?

Notice who is not sitting on the parks board . . . Joe Six-Pack. There is a reason for that. Joe would never vote for a spray park in front of a hotel.

UPDATE: According to Lloyd Companies website, she is listed as co-owner with Craig, so this even worries me more.

Maybe Pitty Patt quit the SOS’s office so he could do more fat men underwear research?

How ironic, the guy who was in charge of updating the SOS’s webpage, doesn’t understand how internet marketing works;

Did facebook plan to display these ads in this way?

I guess he doesn’t understand how ads are placed on webpages when subscribed to ad servers or when on Facebook.  In order for the ad server for these sites to serve ads to you, they take your cookies and previous machine ID and / or your Facebook login to give you ads based on your ‘interests’.  These ‘interests’ could have been something you were trying to research for an order or just an ‘interest’.

He has some interesting interests . . .

Okay, I added the BK ad, I couldn’t resist.

Pukey is gone

You may, or may not have noticed that my intro page is gone. I may bring it back, but me puking out politicians is no longer.

It is something I have been meaning to change for awhile.

We will miss you Pukey.

The SF school district continues to mislead, and Stehly continues to set the record straight on sub teacher pay increases

Please read these documents FIRST to have a better understanding of this situation: school board

The SF school district sent out a letter to subs, which they received on Saturday, saying Stehly was giving out false information about how subs were being paid in other districts. Actually, she was giving out the correct information, the SF school district was NOT. They even bragged about it in the letter;

“Because we value and appreciate our substitute teachers, we wanted you to have complete and accurate information.”

Stehly requested and received the CORRECT information today from the Harrisburg School District;

Stehly’s letter to the school board members says it all (it was postmarked today, Monday, August 6);

“All of our elected officials must always work to ensure that we foster a spirit of open, caring and transparent government. The Media also plays a very important part in ensuring the public that all activity that concerns our tax dollars and governmental policy is full of integrity and honesty.”

Gant investigation ‘suspicious’ timeline


I first want to say when it was brought to my attention that SOS Jason Gant’s deputy was running an online campaign store, I never thought for a moment that anything illegal was being done. Only unethical, which apparently isn’t against the law in SD. I never once thought the operations director or Gant were ‘stealing’ any money from the state. This was always a question about ethical behavior. I think not only was I pretty clear about that, I think many other journalists, bloggers and even senator Adelstein was clear about that.

There has been discussion that Gant may have broken the law, or at least not enforced it, on the Gosch petitions, but it has NOTHING to do with stealing from the state.

That is why it was so bizarre when the AG released the results of his investigation and essentially said that neither Gant or Powers were stealing from the state. Duh. It was almost like the AG investigated something he already knew they were innocent of.

Read his results here; Jackley-Gant

But the release of the report on Tuesday, July 17 is even more bizarre. Why? Well let’s fill you in a bit.

The person who tipped me off about Power’s campaign website, ‘Guest Poster’ was basically anonymous to everyone but myself. He wanted to keep it that way, but I encouraged him to AT LEAST reveal his identity to Senator Adelstein to assist him with the investigation. It’s not like ‘Guest Poster’ is a nobody in the politics world of SD, he assisted many democrats and republicans over the years with campaigns, and is well known in those circles. He also has expertise in data mining, data security and Information Technology. He has made his living from it since the 1980’s.

So after he contacted Adelstein in an email and phone call, he sent the Senator this email suggesting how the investigation should at the very least move forward with all speed; Guestpostemail

Was this a ploy by either Adelstein OR by Jackley and the DCI to get the name of ‘Guest Poster’? Not sure, but it worked. The email went to the senator on Sunday July 15th who in turn probably forwarded the email on Monday July 16 to DCI  – then magically the investigation is closed the next day.

Jackley and DCI only looked at the topic NOT brought up.  As stated from the beginning:

• This was an ethics discussion, not embezzlement or financial

• When it would not go away, it became a DCI “investigation”

• A show was put on to make like action was being taken

• Jackley and DCI reached a decision to clear the SOS of financial criminal activity

• Instead of answering simple questions with direct answers from Gant

• The subterfuge and games became a possible criminal conspiracy

• Now we have to deal with the keeper of the laws (SOS) and enforcer of the laws (AG) doing what?  Why?

Food for thought.