South DaCola

Another Republican SD Governor thumbing his nose at voters

Remember the abortion issue? Voters have said TWICE we are a pro-choice state. What does the legislature and governor do? Pass more laws to restrict abortion. Now we have incentives for businesses going down at the polls;

During the general election in November, South Dakotans voted down a measure that provided a large-project incentive for large businesses interested in coming to South Dakota.

So what does the governor think of the voter’s wishes?

Governor Daugaard says he would welcome new ideas from the legislature to give companies incentives to bring their businesses to the state.

“I know there is still a concern about this tax and about the adequacy of our state’s economic development programs.  And I welcome a discussion with the legislature this year about how we should move forward. I need your help and your ideas,”

NO. You are concerned about your corporate buddies. The voters of this state are NOT. We told you that in November. Why are we not concerned? Because this state has oodles of incentives for business to relocate here. TIF’s, high productivity, low wages, NO state income tax, low crime, etc, etc. We do not need to give cash incentives to businesses that are not paying income taxes.

Daugaard did say the state’s economy is doing much better than many other states across the country. He said while others are looking for places to cut money from budgets, South Dakota can now look at where to spend.

Good. Spend it where we can get the most bang for our buck; Public education, enough with the corporate welfare.

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