Makes you wonder if her secretary asked to be terminated?

Homan fires secretary after four months

Pam Homan is looking for a secretary. Again.

Laurie Morrison, hired in September after Karin Schultz moved to Las Vegas, was fired last week, according to the personnel report for today’s school board meeting.

I also find it interesting she is looking for a FEMALE assistant? Isn’t that discrimination? Of course, since when does Pammy follow rules?

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “I can’t imagine working for Duper Super Homan would be a very fullfilling career choice”
  1. She needs someone to feed her horses at her ranch outside town & outside the school district.

  2. I cannot even fathom what it would be like to have Homan as a direct supervisor. I think I would have to have a weekly liquor stipend added to my pay.

  3. I’m sure they could re-title the position to make it look like it’s not a direct-supervision situation, and move the starting pay to the mid-$40’s!

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