Minnehaha County Commissioner, Dick Kelly, just can’t understand why anyone would want to petition their government;

Commissioner Dick Kelly countered, “Everybody has the right to petition. The problem is they have to work within the accommodations we have. I thought last summer was really bad. Petitioners were out there for everything you can think of.”

Dick, you are correct we have the RIGHT to petition our government. We also pay for the heating and the cooling of the county administration building, it is a public facility, we own the place.

I have often said if our local elected officials did the WORK OF THE PEOPLE we would not have to have so many petition drives, but nowadays it seems like that is the only way to get anything accomplished in local government, unless of course they postpone an election 🙁

Instead complaining about petitioners Dick, why not just listen to the public and serve them better instead increasing their taxes and giving yourself a raise. Let’s talk about who is ‘BAD’.

By l3wis

8 thoughts on “If only elected officials did their jobs”
  1. More (not less) petitions. It’s the only way to keep city government focused on services and infrastructure. Otherwise, they spend millions on things like rocks, flowers, and a fountain at the Hilton Garden Inn.

    Next petition: Funding and implementation for an outside federally recognized audit of the city budget and events center bond spending with review of competitive bid processes.

  2. It is self evident that the intensity of initiatives reflects nothing less than the inadequacy of the current governing.

  3. Winston, do you think our elected officials see this? All they see is, “Why do you question me?” I have to be honest with you, my local representatives on the county commission, city council, and school board may not be idiots, but they are certainly so clouded by the special interest butt plug shoved up their very loose asses. Very wealthy, very connected, people run SF, and Joe-Bob-Jimbo, just because he voted, does not have the right to say what goes on in SF.

    I hope to make it to the CC meeting on Tuesday. Them clems better take notes during my public testimony.

  4. DL, unfortunately not. But it is “self evident” to you and me. I am just commenting on the political reality of our time. The old cliche “You can’t fight City Hall” definitely lives on in this town as well, but don’t be surprised if it does.

    Whether it be the current snow gate issue, the new Mark Twain school, county commission pay raises, or the flood/drainage issue from a few years ago all of these issues became established issues because of concerned citizens and not because of concerned political leaders.

    The failures of the Daugaard Administration in the last election cycle speaks highly of the capability of the referendum and initiative processes, and I do believe at least our state political leaders are cognizant of this. Oh, they may still push a cousin version of their economic development plans, but the Daugaard defeat last November did send a message to Pierre.

    As far as for our local political leaders, perhaps they have not experienced that watershed moment yet, but they will. Fore the intensity of the initiatives, and referendums too, will in time widen the cracks to a breaking point in our representative system and that political reality will force our local political leaders to answer for it.

    But as far as for the establishment, they will never go away. We just have to make sure that we do not go away.

  5. “all of these issues became established issues because of concerned citizens and not because of concerned political leaders.”

    Definately. I said that the other day on Jen Holsen’s blog in not so many words, that if Stehly wouldn’t question these asspipes, who would?

    I guess Jeff Barth was taking photos of the Spellerberg petition gatherers today at the county admin building. Is this guy a Democrat of a fascist? The referendum process really scares the shit out of elected officials. Boo Hoo.

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