I have often known South Dakotans to be prejudice, but when you are elected to office, you should probably avoid the ‘macca’ moment as much as possible, especially when speaking to REPORTERS!

For months, a city attorney investigation into the conduct of a Rapid City council member has been shrouded in mystery — with details of who was investigated and why kept from public view.

But now, the Journal has learned that the target of the investigation was Ward 1 Council Member Bill Clayton, who faced two separate sets of allegations. One complaint alleges that Clayton made racist comments to an African-American television news reporter during an interview. The other complaint centers on disparaging remarks Clayton reportedly made about fellow Ward 1 Council Member Charity Doyle in August.

Geeesh, and I thought the dirt I had on Councilor Erpenbach was rich, this teabagging birther has her beat, hands down. The part that worries me more is the secrecy around the investigation. Like I said yesterday, that is one reason why I would never file an ethics complaint against Michelle or any other councilor, when the city handles stuff internally, it gets swept under the rug, all behind closed doors.

Hey, Bill, Go back to Bumfck, USA, or wherever you are from . . .

4 Thoughts on “Just when you thought the SF City Council was Cuckoo, Rapid City has to show us up

  1. Johnny Roastbeef on January 13, 2013 at 1:58 pm said:

    This is my favorite part.

    “All four confirmed the complaint focused on whether Clayton told or implied to KOTA TV reporter Taisha Walker, who is black, that she should go back to Kenya with President Barack Obama. Clayton also reportedly questioned whether Walker was an American; neither Walker not Obama are from Kenya, a mostly black African nation.”

    I like how the Rapid City Journal feels they need to point out that Obama, the President, is NOT from Kenya.

  2. He’s not!?

  3. back in ’10, we went to the black hills for a vacation. some guy running for county commission had a billboard with reagan’s picture instead of his own. if you think we are uneducated hicks here in sioux falls, just take a trip out west.

  4. I would put a picture of Ed Roth on my political billboards, with the monacle and top hat of course.

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