I was a little surprised when I heard that Huether held his last L & L session at First Lutheran church. Someone in attendance told me that Huether talked about snowgates, and he will be making a ‘surprise’ announcement in March about them. I am not going to make any predictions as to what that announcement may or may not be, but I have said that the mayor does want to take credit for implementing snowgates. God forbid a citizen advocate like Stehly, or the citizens voting for them get the credit for implementing them. As Stehly has said to me, she thinks it would be ‘fantastic’ if Huether implemented them before the 2014 vote, because the ultimate goal all along was to get snowgates. I do see two hiccups with Huether implementing them. First he will have to get a majority of the council on board, because they will have to vote on it, or at least approve the budget to purchase them. The other issue I have with it is that Huether and his directors will be writing the ordinance, instead of citizens. In other words, they will be able to use them when it is convenient for them, not for us.

I guess we will just have to wait until March to hear his BIG announcement. I am not holding my breath until then.

This isn’t the L & L session, but in this episode he teaches the kids how to shake hands;


18 Thoughts on “Mayor Huether takes his Listening & Learning session to church & talks snowgates

  1. Hey, Mike, over 8000 people told you and the council we wanted a snowgates election this spring, and, not only did you limit their testimony you flat out ignored their wishes.

    You don’t give a shit what the citizenry thinks, what a waste of $22,000.


  2. anominous on January 14, 2013 at 5:10 pm said:

    $7 per stamp?

  3. Well, yah know, we do have to fund the Postal workers retirement packages.

  4. If there is some surprise announcement I suspect he will preempt the election by implementing them himself, which means he’s going to leave the council who voted no holding the bag, looking like fools. They’re going to have to figure out how to vote yes on something a few months after voting no to deny an election and saying we wouldn’t have enough information in time for an election this November. But they will because they won’t cross the Mayor. My guess would be this is because he knows it will pass, so why not take credit for it to grease the skids for a reelection and be the hero. I thought he would have waited for another year or so since he’s got time, but maybe he’s decided to move it up. This could be rather comical actually, watching to see how the council tries to wriggle out of this and save face if he does this.

  5. My guess is that we may see more of “Mayor Windsock” drifting with public opinion (within reason, of course) as we creep closer to 2014 and those tasty offices of Governor, US Representative, or, dare I say it, a possible Senate seat…not to mention his own bid for re-election. I think even he has to understand that he has to spread a little honey among the unwashed to counteract his more vinegary moments.

  6. anominous on January 14, 2013 at 11:26 pm said:

    No doubt the mayor has convinced a major manufacturer of snowgates to relocate their entire company to Sioux Falls, since they make a widget he highly approves of.

  7. His wife has coy fish and goldfish as pets. No wonder he sleeps on the sofa.

  8. Poly43 on January 15, 2013 at 7:25 am said:

    I really don’t care much for our mayor, for a variety of reasons. Mainly where he came from and how that company garnered its billions. As I recall he was big chief in charge of promoting their scam. I also scratch my head at many of his decisions that flat out make little sense in a world where his spending sprees are oing to eventually catch up to us, the taxpayer. All that being said, the one thing I respect about the guy is his willingness to get out and talk to the people….er….indoctrinate the people.

    Maybe I missed something somewhere in the conversation, it is early in the morning, but where did the price of stamps and retirement packages fit into this story? (;

  9. Sorry Poly 🙂 LOL

    As for the taxpayer holding the bag, there has been talk that Huether MAY bankrupt the city, or come close.

  10. Testor15 on January 15, 2013 at 9:35 am said:

    He is just a fancy salesman. Nothing more nothing less. Salesmen like him only understand closing a sale and not what it takes to make the sale work.

    He sold us a bill of goods because he is good at it. His ‘SURPRISE!’ will be the acceptance of snowgates on his terms. SURPRISE! I am so surprised, as we all should be when he surprises us in March. SURPRISE!

    It’s kind of like the surprise turnout for the Events Center! It’s kind of like the naming of the Events Center.

    He’s a salesman full of surprises! Thank you SubPrime for all your surprises! We really appreciate how one of us you are!

  11. “His wife has coy fish and goldfish as pets.”

    Ah yes the elusive coy fish. They hide under the rocks and try to flirt with the goldfish. When you ask them if they are hungry they just look at you without saying a word. Stupid fish.

    Or perhaps: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koi

    Thanks DL… you have me a good chuckle. 🙂

  12. Pathloss on January 16, 2013 at 11:41 am said:

    I saw the video here on TV-16. The 3rd graders are bored because they’re smarter than Huether. He states ‘you can grow up and be mayor so you have a bullet proof window and your own bathroom’. Hint: You’re not popular if you’re worried about being assassinated. When you’re short, you need your own bathroom cause average height men piss on you.

  13. Pathloss on January 16, 2013 at 11:55 am said:

    His listening and brainwashing sessions are sad lately. 3rd graders and a safe house so the Oh-One Oh-Ones can’t get him.

  14. Pathloss on January 16, 2013 at 11:56 am said:

    Next session could be 4th floor at McKennen.

  15. Pathloss on January 16, 2013 at 12:03 pm said:

    Somali immigrants Know the year their born but not the date. Their birth certificates are 01/01/year. 4th floor is the crazy’s ward.

  16. I have noticed in the past couple of Channel 16 shows with Mike he talks about praying a bunch, and other people praying for him. It’s weird. Oh, but I pray for him to, that he’ll stop being a hypocritical lying SOB.

  17. Pathloss the 4th floor of McKennan hasn’t been the crazy ward for something like seven or eight years. The behavior health unit is off of 69th next to the Heart Hospital.

    I really would have thought you of all people would know that.

  18. He goes to the VA.

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