South DaCola

Mayor Huether takes his Listening & Learning session to church & talks snowgates

I was a little surprised when I heard that Huether held his last L & L session at First Lutheran church. Someone in attendance told me that Huether talked about snowgates, and he will be making a ‘surprise’ announcement in March about them. I am not going to make any predictions as to what that announcement may or may not be, but I have said that the mayor does want to take credit for implementing snowgates. God forbid a citizen advocate like Stehly, or the citizens voting for them get the credit for implementing them. As Stehly has said to me, she thinks it would be ‘fantastic’ if Huether implemented them before the 2014 vote, because the ultimate goal all along was to get snowgates. I do see two hiccups with Huether implementing them. First he will have to get a majority of the council on board, because they will have to vote on it, or at least approve the budget to purchase them. The other issue I have with it is that Huether and his directors will be writing the ordinance, instead of citizens. In other words, they will be able to use them when it is convenient for them, not for us.

I guess we will just have to wait until March to hear his BIG announcement. I am not holding my breath until then.

This isn’t the L & L session, but in this episode he teaches the kids how to shake hands;


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