South DaCola

Minnehaha County Commission decides to review the petitioner policy

I would like to give commissioners Cindy Heideberger and John Pekas props for voting to keep the petitioner policy AS IS. Commisioner Dick Kelly made an amendment to their motion and asked that the policy be reviewed over a 90 day period. We testified that system works well now, and does not need to be changed. I argued that the county administration building is the perfect place for petitioners because that is where citizens are already coming to do business with their government. I also reminded the commission that the taxpayers own the building and pay for it’s function. I ended by saying if elected officials do not like petitions, they should do a better job as elected officials.

I also want to clear up any misconceptions of commissioner Barth’s role in the SF parks board, and any connections he may have, in an email from him today he told me this;

Hey Scott!
Good to see you and hear your views.
I am not in any way involved with the city park board. I have never been to one of their meeting and I don’t know if I am even acquainted with any members of the board as I don’t know who they are.  No on has complained to me about the Spellerberg petition but I have had many complaints about petition carriers.
I had previously mentioned that Barth was the contact person for the county when it comes to the SF Parks board, apparently he is not. Thank you for the clarification Jeff.
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