South DaCola

UPDATED: So how long will it take the SF media to manipulate this survey?

As I pointed out the last time the city did a survey, the media and the city council used the results to go on a campaign of half-truths to push their agenda;

A recent survey by the Parks Department reveals community interest in an indoor pool. Sixty percent of the respondents said the city needs indoor swimming opportunities.

Another partial fact the ED Board throws out there. If you look at the ratios of that survey, 1 in 7 of that 60% support an indoor pool subsidized by taxpayers, the other 6 want it paid for by user fees. We know how the city operates these facilities, they will NEVER be self-sustaning.

But the mayor wants you to know he is listening to the little guy;

“This is good old fashioned government, I think at its best. It is where you can actually pay more attention to the citizens of your community than those special interest groups or those power players, in terms of prioritizing your government,” Mayor Mike Huether said.

Is this the same Mike Huether I know? Who took our mayor and replaced him with Kermit Staggers? Mike has said some pretty hypocrital things, but that above statement takes the freaking cake.

You can see the survey here.

UPDATED: I just caught this little tidbit on the survey.

What a crock. What is the ‘higher fee’ we will be paying for snowgates? I do not ever recall getting a bill in the mail for snow removal from the city. It seems the city doesn’t even understand that you BUDGET for snow removal out of the 1st penny. There are NO fees involved with that budget, except for the penny you pay in taxes. It is unbelievable that while city hall says the sky is falling because we have to spend a couple of extra million a year on snowgates but when it comes to an Events Center the talk was NO NEW TAXES.

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