South DaCola

Huether for Governor or Senate? Improbable, but I hope he tries.

I have often suspected Mayor Mike Subprime ‘Sanford’ Spaceheater may be looking at a run for governor. People with those kind of personalities are always looking for the ‘next big opportunity’. Mike has already accomplished what he wanted to as mayor, getting an Events Center built, he has also over extended our city to the max. In a business man’s eyes, he accomplished his goals, broke the bank while doing so, now it is time to move along and let the next person clean up the mess. He certainly doesn’t bode well against other prominent Dems in our state, especially Herseth.

The first question was whether I had a favorable or unfavorable opinion of Daugaard, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Mike Huether and Scott Heidepriem.

I hope he does run, but I have a feeling he will suffer the same demise as other Democrats, that and his ‘style’ would never fly in West River. I know Mike will talk about his many accomplishments, but people have to realize that the citizens of SF took on extreme debt to make these things happen. He may have wrote the checks, but we will be paying the bill.

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