South DaCola

My thoughts on the KELO interview

After having to call the GM of KELO last night about the promo’s for the story (racist comments online) I actually think the story went pretty good.

There was ‘some’ stuff left out that I talked about at length with Angela. I told her one of the reasons why people have become so ‘nasty’ is because of their frustration with politicians, and how voters don’t trust them, especially locally. I told her about the emails and phone calls, and even mailed letters I get about how our local city government is treating people. I have actually made several friends because of it.

I also told her that several prominent state politicians and workers, school district employees and city employees comment and frequent my site, as well as prominent attorneys and business owners in the community. They would never come on and comment if they had to use their real names, hence my comment about ‘limiting’ discussion.

As for Vernon, sour grapes as usual. The reason I posted about that mailing and his daughter was because several people were calling me and emailing me (mostly women) about how creepy the P/C was, since his wife wasn’t included on it. I guess he can twist it however he wants to, but I know Vernon has been bitter about a lot of things over the years, Drake Springs Pool, losing mayor, twice, and lastly because I called his butt out on not informing the city they had an embezzler sitting on the audit committee. Which I still believe Vernon was in the wrong on that one, he could have went to the city attorney quietly and taken care of the matter.

Could more accountability make people more polite?

“Take away that ability for someone to post an anonymous comment on your site. It doesn’t add to the discourse. It doesn’t help anyone understand anything. It doesn’t improve anyone’s life. But requiring people to register with a name and an email address at least gives you the chance you’ll get more of a civil discourse,” Cecil said.

As for what Matt said about using real names, I find it unfortunate he is not teaching his students about the reality of ‘new media’ but hey, what do I care, he’s not my professor.

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