South DaCola

Now that a City special election w/the School District has been denied, let’s talk contracts

I see that after the Sioux Falls City council has denied a special snowgate election this Spring with the school district, they are going to discuss how they will hold special elections with the School District in the future;

#51 Deffered: Joint elections – agreement to share expenses.

I have often believed that the SNAFU with the School District and the missing mini-van ballots was one of the reason(s) the city council denied the snowgate election this Spring. The city simply doesn’t want to work with the school district in the future for special elections, that is also why they have allowed this Contract (sfsdcity) to be deferred for so long. I would suspect this will probably set a precedent in the future, I suspect future councils will continue to deny joint elections with the school district. It is a shame really when local government officials from different branches cannot get along and work together, because ultimately in the end, they all work for us, the taxpayer.

As I said to a friend the other day about our city, county and school district local government,

“It’s a F’ing mess!”

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