February 2013

Why is the city considering more regulations for Taxi service?


I am not sure what the cab companies in Sioux Falls think of the new proposed regulations on them, Document: taxi

But, I am sure we will be hearing from them. Maybe they proposed them, but doubtful. It seems the city has to find work for one of their 3 people they had to hire to replace Debra Owen. Like I said, there needs to be some kind of regulation for SOME businesses, but I am still puzzled that the city can regulate a private industry this much. I especially got a chuckle out of this proposal;

I am sure the cab companies already have guidelines. Probably not as stringent as the city would like. Like I said above, why does the city want to get involved with a PRIVATE industry and who they hire? It kinda seems they are sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong. We have plenty of choices in this town for cab service. If you feel like they have treated you unfairly, use another service the next time. Isn’t the free market a beautiful thing? Apparently the city doesn’t think so.

The Hypocrisy of SF city councilor Erpenbach

Erpenbach, “I want to hear from the public, unless it is about snowgates.”

In this episode of Inside Town Hall you can watch councilor Erpenbach talk out of both sides of her mouth about snowgates and indoor swimming pools.

During the first half of the show Michelle reminds us why we need another 16 months to educate ourselves about snowgates before an April 2014 election, that she ‘guarantees’ will happen.

Then in the second half of the show she talks about how she is ‘just one person’ that cannot possibly make the decision of building an indoor pool at Spellerberg without input from the public.

What a hypocrite. Over 8,000 people told you on a petition they WANTED a snowgate election this Spring. Then when over 30 of the snowgate petition volunteers showed up to a public meeting to tell you why this election was important, you limited their testimony, and as ONE PERSON took it upon yourself to deny the wishes of the people.

Michelle, you don’t give a rip about what the public thinks, about anything.

Sunday music club w/ Mr. Fulks




Our local Senior Citizen Horror Channel is scaring people again

Hey, did you hear the latest? It SNOWS sometimes in South Dakota. Guess what else? Sometimes the wind blows while it is snowing. You know what they call that? A Blizzard. They happen at least a few times a year in South Dakota.

You know what our local TV stations call it? Apocalypse NOW!

I was at the grocery store this morning, and you would have thought there was a half-price sale on beer, bread, eggs and milk. It was packed.

Stormland-TV has successfully scared people . . . again. And the only businesses benefitting are grocery stores.

Here’s the deal people. Have fun, go out tonight, according to Stormland-TV it may be the last time you can do so. So business as usual until the snowflakes start to fall and ignore the Senior Citizen Horror Channel. When it gets bad, take the 5-10 minute drive to your home or apartment in Sioux Falls and relax by the fire.

Why has the city, or more importantly our media been silent about this letter?

I received a copy of this letter a few days ago. I decided not to post it until now, because I wondered if our local media was going to report it. Besides being sent to AL‘s managing editor, Patrick Lalley, I understand it has also been emailed to KELO-TV. Hey, I am not the news media, but I cannot fathom why they would sit on this letter for over 3 weeks and say nothing of it’s existance. You would think a citizen who has successfully sued the city and beat them in circuit and state supreme court threatens to sue you over other constitutional violations, you would jump. Well, I can kind of understand why the city has been silent, because of legal ramafications, but why has our local media?

This letter is why I asked the question of councilman Staggers this morning about violating city ordinance.

What did I say about our local media being handed stories on a silver platter and doing nothing with them? One more example. The other part that bothers me is the AL constantly getting on the soapbox about free speech and open records and transparency, and when a citizen threatens to sue the city over these very things, they zip their lips, nothing to see here, move along. We have already determined our city council consists of cowards and now we see our local media isn’t very far behind them in that assessment.