South DaCola

Final UPDATE: So how long will it take the city to fix the boulevard in front of my neighbor’s home?

I found out today that my neighbor had to fix a valve going to his house as a result of the water main break, and it was HIS responsibility to do so (private contractor below) So he will be the one who has to clean up the boulevard. I found it interesting that the water main break was the city’s fault but he is responsible for the valve. Still trying to figure this one out.

They showed up today (2/6) and started re-digging in the hole.

As you know, a water main broke in front of my house on Saturday. As of today, the mound of dirt still remains in the road in front of my house and as you can see in the above picture is my neighbor’s boulevard. It was completely ripped up and destroyed and now has two barricade signs sitting on it.

Trust me, I know how these things work. It usually takes awhile before the city comes back to fix these things, so I decided to count the days, we are on day 4 now. Obviously, they are not going to be planting grass anytime soon, but it would be nice if they came by and smoothed things out. I can guarantee if this happened in front of the mayor’s house, it would not look this way.

But the bigger question is, “Who owns the boulevard?” I know we have been around and around about this on DaCola. If my neighbor owns his boulevard as some of you think, how can the city tear it up without his permission? And since the city did tear it up, to fix city owned pipes, don’t they have to fix it?

Further proof the CITY owns the boulevard – I guess we will have to wait and see who gets to fix it.

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