
I am not sure what the cab companies in Sioux Falls think of the new proposed regulations on them, Document: taxi

But, I am sure we will be hearing from them. Maybe they proposed them, but doubtful. It seems the city has to find work for one of their 3 people they had to hire to replace Debra Owen. Like I said, there needs to be some kind of regulation for SOME businesses, but I am still puzzled that the city can regulate a private industry this much. I especially got a chuckle out of this proposal;

I am sure the cab companies already have guidelines. Probably not as stringent as the city would like. Like I said above, why does the city want to get involved with a PRIVATE industry and who they hire? It kinda seems they are sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong. We have plenty of choices in this town for cab service. If you feel like they have treated you unfairly, use another service the next time. Isn’t the free market a beautiful thing? Apparently the city doesn’t think so.

By l3wis

12 thoughts on “Why is the city considering more regulations for Taxi service?”
  1. First develop guidelines for city employees. Background check for the code enforcer. Reprimand or termination of police who shoot up neighborhoods or make false ethics complaints against councilors. I use cabs to/from the airport often. Hygiene of drivers and condition of taxis is good. Don’t fix it if it’s not broke.

  2. We’re not exactly New York. We don’t have illegals driving and forcing riders to listen to the sounds of their homeland. We don’t have off-duty people cheating their employers by taking riders. I can’t think of any problems that the city would think they need to supersede the company’s guidelines.

  3. Regulating taxis is civil procedure the city can’t enforce (Supreme Court Case 2011 SD 48). This is just something to keep the council occupied so they’ll not pay attention to the events center scandal.

  4. I agree with Scott and Pathloss. I use taxis regularly—-I don’t have a car. Also when you use a particular taxi service if you don’t like the way a particular driver acts, you can report him to the company he drives for. The service that I use the most, had one driver that had so many people request that he not pick them up, that he eventually got fired. I was one of those people. He just wasn’t a “people person” and had a really bad attitude, complained about too small tips, etc.

  5. It is all about the hubcaps and the (potential) lack of them on some taxis. Image, Image, and Image…..

  6. Maybe code enforcement will be riding around town in cabs to check driveways and they want more comfort??

  7. So according to today’s paper it is the old time existing companies that want new regulations to make it harder for noobs to enter the industry. Yeah, that sounds fair. Kind of like the franchise pawn shop that pushed the new regulations to force the smaller companies out of business.

  8. Maybe instead of worrying about how ‘pretty’ the cabs are, the police department should clamp down on the horrible drivers in those new cabs.

    On Friday one of the ‘new’ white cabs traveling south on I29, decided at the last second to cut across from the inside lane to the 26th St exit. Very illegal lane changes and if I were a rider in the cab I would have dialed 911. A horrible excuse for driving skill.

    These ‘new’ cabs don’t seem to have any control on the quality of drivers.

  9. I actually considered starting a cab service on the weekends, but after researching all the regs and a-holes you would have to put up with, I decided against it.

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