Watch the ‘100 Eyes’ show today in which they have the mayor’s wife on (that is not disclosed in the show) Scroll down to the videos in the middle of the page.

It doesn’t sit well with me that the city is donating $500,000 to a facility that the Mayor’s wife is helping to promote. This is a blatant conflict of interest having our mayor pull a half-million out of the CIP to promote a club sport that he just happens to be a part of with his wife.

As Cindy Huether says, “The stars just aligned.” Ah, yeah, right.

And apparently there is such a HUGE need for the facility, because their FB page has 147 LIKES.

By l3wis

21 thoughts on “Conflict of interest? You betcha.”
  1. 147 likes is impressive unless you consider Borrowed Bucks has over 5,000 and John Morrells page has over 55,000.

  2. Some sports are meant to be played outside and tennis is one of them. If you can’t stand the heat, get involved in a sport you can play inside.

  3. You must have struck a chord with the mayor (again). Starting today, City internet has banned your and Jen Holsen’s site. Similar to North Korea Censorship. If it isn’t positive about the mayor, It shall be banned. So say us all! or whoever

  4. Banned? So telling. That’s what dictators do. Control the message and kill off the opposition. It creates an environment of fear not loyalty and support. What a sad commentary. To be afraid of these two blogs is the height of insecurity.

  5. SubPrime Mike is collapsing into is well deserved muck. This is amazing. Salesmen like him are so in tune with only the praise they thin they deserve, they become autocratic when their faults are shown to the world.

    Salesmen like SubPrime are some of the most insecure people I have ever known. Since Jenn’s site and this one have been banned by the SubPrime, you absolutely know the two of you have succeeded in finding the flaw in the Armour. Congrats!

  6. I believe city IT deployed a new firewall this week. It is technically doing what it is supposed to do by blocking sites that aren’t really needed for city workers to complete their jobs. Both of the sites listed in the comments are tagged as blogs and are blocked. I’m guessing the firewall detects the word “blog” that is part of the URL. It’s all blogs not just local ones. I guess you can turn it into a big conspiracy or just be happy city workers will have less ways to waste time at work.

  7. Perhaps KSFY will do a story on the blocking of this site. KELO isn’t smart enough, and the Argus was bought by the city with the city sponsored bike race.

  8. Not just biker lalley. Depends on whats his trainers are feeding him. This morning it is support of a Spellerberg indoor pool. One nice thing about lalley. He’ll be around long enough, paycheck wise, to hear the death rattle of the argus as it becomes more and more insignificant.

    Internet censorship? When any corporate entity invokes censorship the masses will wonder why. Most city employees prolly carry around their own smartphones now. Look for your page counts to go up. Same with Jennifer. Speaking of Jennifer, I did not realize Jennifer was back at it til last nite. can’t say I agree with some of her logic, BUT she is a great read. Welcome back Jennifer. BTW, how does one comment on her site now?

  9. I don’t think it is a conspiracy at all, I think it is wonderful they are blocking ‘non-productive’ websites from city employees, it will actually save taxpayers money. The irony of it is that it only peaks more interest in my site. No conspiracy there.

  10. As someone who deploys blocking software, I understand why it was done on many levels. It is very interesting, when in the moment of many questions being elevated by events, the sites questioning city behavior become blocked.

    As we say, timing is everything…

  11. I agree it would be one thing to find that ONLY Scott and Jen’s sites were blocked, but I would guess if you were a city employee you would find specific types of websites blocked (blogs, some social media sites, torrenting sites, P2P and online storage sites for example). That is fairly typical for even the most basic firewall.

    I won’t debate that our Mayor isn’t a fan of those who don’t worship him, but I also don’t think he is quite petty enough to restrict a few blogs. Or perhaps I should say – I don’t think he wants to outright admit he wants these blogs banned… and if he were to ask someone in City IT to ban these sites, he would thus be admitting the sites concern him, which I don’t believe he would be willing to do.

    Doesn’t really matter though – if someone knew about the sites and now realizes they can’t reach them they will find another way (smartphone or IP redirect). If they didn’t know about the sites then they won’t know what they are missing.

  12. It just means my hits will be heavier in the early morning hours and after 5 PM, instead of during the day. I don’t care really. The level of ridiculousness from Mike is no surprise.

    What is even more ironic about the the city ‘blocking’ blogs is that, somehow they have figured out how to program this, yet for some reason, they still can’t get SIRE to work properly.

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