If you are thinking about running for school board, you can pickup your petitions Tuesday March 12 and return them by April 12. You need 20 valid signatures. I know that Julie Westra and Kent Alberty are running for re-election. I have also heard word that the Mark Twain neighborhood parents are looking to recruit a candidate and put their full support behind them. The Dems have also been seeking candidates, I think they would like to unseat Julie (Alberty is a Democrat).

I will also be posting information soon about what the school board members are getting paid.

5 Thoughts on “Get your petitions for school board

  1. Karma on March 5, 2013 at 2:23 pm said:

    An interesting find that shockingly enough, the media never did a story on or never put 2 and 2 together. If you look at the school board minutes from Aug. 27th, you see that Lloyd Companies was hired by the school district for “realtor services.” Hmmm – Lloyd Companies is the realtor in snatching up homes around Mark Twain – of which, yes, now at least one and I have heard now two have been purchased, AND I find it funny that the realtor was under contract in August, public meetings for MT and Longfellow took place after that, and yet the district and the school board never made one mention of having to take out people’s homes. Jonathan Ellis, are you out there?

  2. l3wis on March 5, 2013 at 3:55 pm said:

    Karma, interesting, but no surprise. Pammy knows how HER school board will vote, and she prepared ahead of time for it. It’s kinda like how we knew the EC was going to be named ‘Sanford’.

  3. Karma on March 5, 2013 at 4:21 pm said:

    I guess I should not be surprised. It is called investigative reporting which a is a thing of the past anymore, but keeping our city leaders accountable for their actions or backdoor meetings should be front and center and it’s not. Hence we now have blogs where you learn more than on the 6pm news. Somewhat sad – but thankful for the service you provide.

  4. Homan certainly does have a chokehold on the School board and District.

  5. Karma on March 7, 2013 at 10:09 pm said:

    She has a chokehold because they never demand more than the information she “chooses” to give them. They will never be able to make truly informed decisions because they allow her to do the decision-making for them.

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