7 Thoughts on “Here’s an idea . . .

  1. I found this story interesting;


    Gotta love Kermy:

    City Councilor Kermit Staggers said there is a concern among residents that the city isn’t being as diligent as it should in collecting test data.

    “Do we really have an independent test being done or not?” Staggers said. “Snowgates, we’ve been talking about them for more than 10 years, and right from the beginning the Public Works Department has been against them, right from the beginning.”

    Staggers said he thinks the city will try to “test to death.”

  2. Winston on March 3, 2013 at 10:32 pm said:

    Global warming complementing never ending testing, In the old days we called that “tabling an issue.”

  3. Testor15 on March 4, 2013 at 8:12 am said:

    Per Huber: “The machines also are equipped with GPS to monitor performance.” Will they publish GPS data for areas next door to compare with? Will it show the issues Snoplow brought up recently concerning the poor infrastructure quality having to be cleaned?

    Per Huber: “Huber said he plans on using snowgates again during the 2013-2014 winter, probably in another six test areas.” So now it is confirmed we will be having another year of “testing”. We all knew Huber and the city ‘leaders’ would continue to stack their version of the ‘facts’ against gates.

    Per Huber: “the City Finance department, which will analyze the data to ensure there’s no accusation of swaying the results, Huber said.” Just like the EC vote? Thanks Galynn for the heads up!

    Per Huber: “some snow tends go up over the snowgate, spilling into driveways”. Let’s look at the reasons. Huber bought the worst snowgates to use in the test. As commentator Snogate recently told us, the infrastructure is in such bad shape the plow operators have to drive with more ‘care’. Snogate also let us know the poor training the city is giving to the process.

    The last few article the PayWall Leader (PWL) has published have been treasure troves of data FOR snowgate use in the city. Every time the PWL does their best to dissuade us from advocating their use, they give the people of Sioux Falls more reasons to need them and also rebuild the infrastructure.

  4. pathloss on March 4, 2013 at 8:54 am said:

    GPS for snowgates works for Huether & Huber twins. It’s always ‘recalculating’ so there’s no activate. When it’s something for citizens and not developers, ‘Enter roundabout but never turn right’.

  5. Testor, I could not have said it better myself.

  6. That article infuriated me. Is there really ANY person who believes snowgates are designed to ensure NO snow is in the entrance to your driveway? Come on.

  7. I call it part of the ‘snowhate’ crowd movement to claim snowgates are a waste of money and ineffective. But monkey hot tubs? Legit!

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