South DaCola

How do SF School Board members get paid? And how much?

SF School Board members don’t get a set pay, they get paid $75 for attending ‘meetings’. They do have to submit when they attended an event, I believe with the finance office, and they can also choose not to submit, like attending a football game, etc.

I added up what the school board members made between July 2012 – December 2012 (six months).

Some of the interesting events they asked for a $75 meeting payment on were things like ‘new teacher breakfast’ (all attended except Morrison), a ribbon cutting (all attended except Parker), back to school greeting (Parker, Thoelke), several miscellaneous meetings with Homan (ALL), Chamber Annual Meeting (ALL claimed except Morrison), Westra got paid for every single Sports Authority meetings she attended, she also submitted and got paid for attending a Chamber Mixer.


Westra $3075

Parker $2775

Tholeke $2625

Alberty $2550

Morrison $2250

Trust me, I would rather see them just be paid a flat salary, like $5000 a year. It is not a lucrative political job by any means. But the $75 per meeting payment plan is kinda silly when you can call having a drink at a Chamber Mixer, a meeting.

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