South DaCola

Shape Sioux Falls, Where has the public discussion been?

Councilor Staggers has asked the question several times. Seems like there hasn’t been much public input on this 422 page document.

Doing just a quick skim through the document, you will see there is MAJOR changes to the zoning ordinances and definitions. I know that the document has been looked at by city officials, the planning board and I believe a volunteer committee. But what kind of exposure has the public had? The city council votes to implement the changes tonight. Trust me, if I were sitting on the city council right now, I would not want to be in their shoes. There are good things about the changes, and a few things that are sketchy. One thing you take away, just by giving it a quick review, is that the city is taking more CONTROL of what personal property owners can do with their property. There is also more detailed descriptions of what a ‘sign’ is.

I think it is unfortunate that the city did not hold several public meetings to explain the changes to the public. Especially since we have the most transparent mayor in the history of our city! DO THE HUETHER!

I find it quite ironic that when it comes to special interest club sport facilities and the Events Center there is more public meetings that you can shake a stick at, but when a 422 page zoning and ordinance document changes, there seems to be a din of silence from city hall. Move along, nothing to see here . . . yeah, right.

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