South DaCola

We don’t ‘NEED’ a public indoor pool

After reading Argue Endorser’s managing editor’s ‘column’ about indoor pools (or should I say, muttling thru it). I have to wonder why logic is never factored into these ‘discussions.’

Opponents of the as-yet-still-hypothetical idea of building an indoor pool at Spellerberg Park to replace the leaking 45-year-old outdoor model that currently sits there said this week they’ve gathered about 7,000 signatures to put the issue on the ballot.

Oh, goody.

Perhaps it can go on the same ballot as whether we should have snowgates.

This is hilarious, on many levels. For one, there is nothing ‘hypothetical’ about an indoor pool at Spellerberg. The city has been hammering this idea for over a year, and when they put out their aquatic study on Thursday, like a broken record, guess what? Indoor pool at Spellerberg.

The other part is Pat’s statement about snowgates. You would think the managing editor of the city’s only daily would know that snowgates are already on the 2014 ballot, which is probably where this issue will be. But maybe he can invite the mayor’s wife on his show to talk about it, or at least inform him about the latest ‘special interest club sport’ that needs money from the city.

This whole indoor pool debate is not complicated OR philosophical. It is pretty simple.

We don’t need a public indoor pool, because . . .

1) There are plenty of private facilities in SF already you can pay a ‘fee’ and swim at. We don’t need taxpayer’s to subsidize it.

2) If we really want to build one it needs to be in a location where there is available expansion (like RC did) OR in conjunction with the school district. I am not opposed to public entities, but they should get maximum usage.

3) Lastly, on a snarky point, ‘single’ issue people drive me bonkers. Whether it is pools, or dog parks, pickleball, a word of advice. Diversify your life. You can play tennis and swim in the summer. You can ski and ice fish in the winter. That is the advantage of living in our climate.

My prediction is that an indoor pool at Spellerberg will get voted down. A handful of swimming advocates are not going to tow the line for the electorate. This is a democracy folks, that is just how it works.

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