I have at least one supporter
Well I know of least one challenger to Alberty and Westra.
After a long conversation and consultation with my wife and children (actually just my dog, Sodapop) I picked up nominating petitions just a short while ago. I decided to AT least get the petitions signed and turned in. This DOES NOT mean I am running for sure. If NO other candidates decide to challenge Alberty and Westra, at least they will have one to debate. The city council may be able to bail on the Spring election, but the school district will not.
Please, People, help a brother out and pickup the petitions!
MY PLATFORM (if I choose to walk the plank)
Indoor Public Pool in conjunction with the city.
Substitute teacher pay.
Property taxes in reference to people without children in the district.
No RUBBERSTAMPING of Homan’s policies.