Remember when Larry Long left the AG’s office before his term was up? Just so they could appoint a FAUX Incumbent?

Are they pulling the ‘Jackley’ trick with Jarrod?

The Republicans LUST for power in SD is so bad they have to play political games to retain that power. What a sad bunch of individuals.


Jarrod is from Corson / Brandon but his main contributors are the religious right from west river. His campaign finance reports show money also from Lederman.  But he has never needed much money to run or hold his offices.

From the School and Public Lands website:

Jarrod is a 5th generation cattleman from Corson, where his family homesteaded in 1874. He received a B.S. in Animal and Range Sciences from South Dakota State University in Brookings. While completing his degree, he conducted research and assisted in teaching graduate and post-graduate courses. His family operates the Split Rock Cattle Company, which extends from Aurora to Minnehaha counties, in South Dakota.

Jarrod was elected in 2006 to serve South Dakota as Commissioner of School and Public Lands, and was elected to a second term in 2010. In January 2011, he was elected by his peers to serve as President of the Western States Land Commissioners Association (WSLCA), representing 23 western states managing over 447 million acres of State Trust Lands, as well as vast oil and gas reserves, on behalf of school children. He also serves as Chairman of the Western States Land Commissioners Association Interstate Transmission Task Force and is an appointed member of the Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission. In January of 2009, Jarrod was appointed to the United States Department of the Interior’s Royalty Policy Committee. Jarrod has also been named to the Bureau of Land Management’s Dakotas Resource Advisory Council.

Jarrod and his wife Heidi have two wonderful children; Clayton, 13 and Anna, 9. They enjoy farm and ranch life and spending time outdoors.

By l3wis

14 thoughts on “Are they trying to pull a ‘Jackley’ in Pierre”
  1. It’s probably worse. They booted the old deputy guy for a new one because somebody has to do Johnson’s job running an office of 3 or 4 people and now they’ll probably appoint a new deputy guy to automatically get raised up into this cushy post right at election time.

  2. “They have to play political games to retain power” Really? Have you checked the composition of the Legislature lately? It’s a Republican Supermajority. With Sen. Johnson retiring, I would be shocked if the Dems win a race for a statewide office in the next ten years. Republicans don’t need games to win seats.

  3. As a conservative in ideology, I can say I am appalled by the musical chairs these crooks play with these state positions. You SOB’s should be ashamed of yourselves for pulling this shit. We wouldn’t except the Democrats running this scam and we won’t except it from you either.

    If your going too keep up this thinly veiled charade maybe we need to place something on the ballot that will end this. No one appointed to an interim seat may run for office to hold that seat. That would end this BS. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    Win it by election or get the F&*CK OUT.

  4. LJL has a really good idea. Mr. E is the kind of fellow who can make things like that happen.

  5. I agree with LJL. They don’t need to play these games. it’s only being done so party leadership can ensure the Repub THEY want gets the seat.

  6. It is not the the GOP trying to stay in power, it is the ‘correct’ GOP holding power. The two major factions of the GOP are always competing to see who has the power of the purse.

  7. Don’t forget the Chris Nelson appointment to the PUC so they could keep Chris doing the necessary work for ALEC.

  8. Everybody says Mr. Gant won’t run again. I think I know why. It’s not that he’s disliked or has become a barenessment. If you think this Jarrod fellow is pulling something wait until Mr. Gant steps down after setting up the elections for his hand-picked successor who gets 8 more years. Just my prediction.

  9. Let’s just call it what it is – Larry Long, Jarrod Johnson, and Marty Jackley all pulled a “Palin”.

    Pulling a Palin occurs when an elected politician refuses to complete an elected or appointed term.

  10. A concern of mine for years and no one in SD takes it serious. All our concern is in DC. We are 800,000 with three reps in DC. We can not change DC.

    But we are all pretty equal in our city, county, and state politics and no one seems to notice the crap that happens. Everyone talks about Chicago and the Dailys, take a look around you people. You vote Dailys in SD every election.

    Until we get open doors in SD it will never change. I will not live long enough to ever see it.

  11. It’s SOUTH DAKOTA, Inc., at it’s best….. They have perfected the political art of “Holding” to an entire new level of audacity.

    Such acts, are a silent and gradual promotion of an absolutism, which mocks all sense of democratic principles and its institutions.

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