I will admit, I was blindsided a little bit ago. During the LIVE meeting of the SF City Council informational meeting, councilor Staggers questioned why he could not access certain ‘blogs’ on his city computer. He iterated that it was perfectly acceptable for the administration to block certain sites from city employees. And I agree. While I would love it that people read my blog, I would prefer they DID NOT do it on the taxpayers dime. However, he brought up the topic of ‘research’ and they should be able to access it for that. He also reminded the ADMINISTRATION they are welcome to block their employee’s internet access, but they have NO RIGHT to block elected officials. And he is right.

I will also say this. Kermit and I had a splendid convo today about tonight’s city council meeting’s agenda. He never once brought up blocking blogs. (We were not in cahoots on this) Like I said before, people will still read my site. They will just have to do it with their morning coffee at the breakfast table or with their end of the day night cap.

I think they referred to my sites as ‘MSN’ and ‘Hotmail’, LOL!

13 Thoughts on “Just for clarification

  1. grudznick on April 2, 2013 at 7:32 pm said:

    Snowgates have risk, Mr. Huether said. I watched a video you linked where they had a long long long presentation. And at the end, Huether Huethered you (i wish I could do your fancy drawings to show him Huethering you but I cannot) and took credit for your ideas and pushing these beasts. Will he give you due credit later?

    I want you all to imagine a picture (that I cannot fancy draw like Mr. E can) of Huether, Huethering over a snowgate plowing by Mr. E’s restaurant door.

  2. grudznick on April 2, 2013 at 7:37 pm said:

    Also, he is using your initiated measure to make you suffer longer. Because you and your righteous fellows bitched and they “won’t let you withdraw the petitions, and you cannot cancel the vote and the horse is out of the barn and we can’t get him back in”.

    Now it is on the voters. He is blaming you and your fellows.

  3. So predictable. So predictable.

  4. Big Guy on April 3, 2013 at 12:29 am said:

    The petition was because of lack of action from Huether and certain council members, correct?

    Now Huether endorses snowgates… Not surprised on that one.

  5. Actually, it is Councilor Staggers who deserves the credit.

    He is the individual who originally introduced the idea of snow gates to Sioux Falls during his first term on the Council.


  7. OleSlewFoot on April 3, 2013 at 8:23 am said:

    Is there not a legal way to withdraw the petition once it has been submitted and acted on by the city council?

  8. Testor15 on April 3, 2013 at 9:32 am said:

    The is a questions to be raised with both the school system and city hall. “Are they there to serve the people or are we to serve them?”

    Both administrations make demands of us, their “employers” and we are not to expect anything in return. Blind obedience to power does not make a democracy. We the owners of the government elect board members or councilors to direct the administrations. We demand the directors and administrators to be subservient to the will of the elected boards. Not the other way around.

    Sioux Falls voters must wrap their minds around who is actually in charge versus who is in control.

  9. Notice, if you watch Huether’s testimony, he reminds the council that they cannot take any action either. So he used the council to stop the snowgate election in 2013, then turns around after they shutdown that election, and remind them they cannot do anything to stop the election in 2014 (that he gets to use as a campaign issue) all the while taking the spotlight off of Stehly and Staggers. As a friend said to me this morning. “He is a snake.”

  10. rufusx on April 3, 2013 at 10:12 am said:

    If the focus is on doing what’s right – who the F&*( cares who gets the credit – as long as the right thing gets done. Talk about ego-centric – check your own of you’re attacking someone else for agreeing to get done what you want done.

  11. Testor15 on April 3, 2013 at 11:33 am said:

    It’s not about who takes credit, its who and how they take.

  12. pathloss on April 3, 2013 at 4:04 pm said:

    Blocking public media, how fascist. Just another element proving Huether’s government is oligarchy. They can visit porn sites just no democracy propaganda.

  13. pathloss on May 17, 2013 at 11:19 am said:

    Blocking public input (blogs) is nothing less than socialist oppression. Huether sounds more and more like Hitler.

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