Watch this bogus, dog and pony show, and the Mexican Hat dance, boloney sandwhich, that is presented by Jeff. The irony of this, is the people who will make the most money from this development dont shop at Walmart.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “SF Walmart kiss up of the week, Jeffrey Schimitt”
  1. I am disappointed that the city would consider putting a Wal-Mart south of 41st! There is no reason the good people of Sioux Falls should be exposed to a low rent, non-union business in such an area! Didn’t you see the story on Stormland! Some guy 2 miles away brought up a good point – a stray shopping bag could blow to his yard causing his children to be at risk! Pandemonium I tell you! This is about the children people!

    I don’t care if it does bring over 200 new jobs! I don’t care if it does boost our local economy and tax revenues! Folks down on the south end should not be burdened with a Wal-Mart! Keep that kind of riff-raff on the north end! (Notice no crowds with pitchforks complainin up in the hood!) – If they must expand down south, make it trendy mini-malls! Is it asking too much for a new Cheesecake Factory and a maybe a new wine store with expensive cigars?!

  2. I know it’s miniscule, but but the overall layout and design of the store at 85th and Minnesota has much less quality than the one they were planning for at 69th and Cliff. The houses and neighborhoods around 85th and Minn. are much more expensive, so I’m still surprised that they went with such a bland design.

    I’m also shocked the city let homeowners build houses on Audie all the way up to 85th Street, especially with the knowledge that commercial property would likely be developed right across the way. I also can’t believe that the planners think that Audie is the best place to have the traffic light and basically the only way to get into the store.

    This plan should incorporate round-a-bouts, not traffic lights. The neighbors want design and efficiency. Another awful plan the city has endorsed before the final approval.

  3. CCFlyer – It is interesting that the city let developers/homeowners build clear to 85th on Audie, but have left a buffer on Grange, just a 1/4 mile east. And the homes near 85th/Grange don’t face 85th.

    There has to be a story there.

    Traffic will no doubt be an issue initially. There will have to be rapid improvements to make better access and maybe there will be a push to finish Hwy 100 from Minnesota to I-29 next. Have to get those two Walmart trucks a day to that location somehow.

    I think you will see 85th and Audie turn into an intersection similar to 10th and Foss at the eastside Walmart/retail development area.

  4. OSF – just to note the “buffer” on Grange wasn’t because they were trying to limit exposure to a higher traffic area. It was actually because of a few different reasons. Number one, there is a natural gas pipeline that runs diagonally across that intersection and it slices the lots in an odd way. The easement around that pipeline makes it very difficult to fit homes there. Number two, there is a retention pond / wetland area to the East which limits the lot sizes even more.

    Actually there originally was a lot for sale on the West side of the intersection, but it was an odd shape and rather small so the homeowner who owns the house that backs up to it ended up purchasing that land and expanding their garden.

    As far as Audie – the lot closest to 85th wasn’t all that attractive and sat empty originally, but then a builder who shall remain nameless but who is generally known for building very cheap (in both terms of quality as well as price) starter homes swooped in and built a big fancy house there. I’m not sure the backstory on whether it was built for a friend or a family member – but either way I doubt everything was disclosed to them because I can’t imagine why someone would build a house of that size and pricepoint on a lot which is bordered by a major road on one side, one of the few access points to a development on the other, and a retention pond aka: mosquito breeding center directly in the back yard.

    I suppose the lot wasn’t big enough for anything else, but every time I see that house I have to wonder of all the lots available… why did they choose that one.

  5. I got curious as to the property size at the 85th St location, so I laid the eastside location over the top of the proposed 85th St one in google maps. They are almost exactly the same size in terms of width and length of property. During the presentations the property seemed much more cramped than the east side property and out building businesses near 10th.

    If the lady at 85th and Audie wants to know what her view and traffic will be like, she can pretty much go to the corner of 10th and Foss.

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