As you can see below, things are not all well at the Detroit Lewis/Sodapop household. Luckily, I still have power, but the V-Dub is trapped in the garage. Not sure how long before the power company shows up to fix my line and conduit. I was told to ‘monitor’ the situation for a fire. Oh Joy.

I just want to remind people, I love our community, that is why I do what I do here, I want the best for it. Watch out for your neighbors, help them out. Stay safe.


By l3wis

21 thoughts on “Stay Safe!”
  1. And on the positive note – we will all have plenty of firewood for our fire pits this summer!

  2. I’ve lived here for 38 of my 44 years and I’ve never seen anything like this storm…we needs a catchy name for it so we can attract national media attention;

    -Slushfest 2013?

  3. My power was out for 11 hours…….Brrrrr, and I had a massive tree limb blocking the end of my driveway.

    THANK YOU to neighbors, Public Works, and Excel…. all is well, at least until the next round……..

  4. I have a tree that lost a good 1/4 to 1/3 during a lightning storm two years ago. It has battled back pretty well since then, and the last two days it’s biggest branch fought against the thick ice pushing it down. Tonight it lost its battle. I’m sure the overall health of the tree will still be fine, but it was still kind of sad when I heard it snap.

  5. Losing the electricity is the fault of the power company. NYC suffered a hurricane and didn’t lose power because its underground – where it should be.

  6. The Sue-fice storm will soon become the Sue-flood disaster. Major flooding is expected in Fargo and will be coming here. The city can’t be sued (Code 2-66) but a class can be formed for a Supreme Court case. Everything is called Sanford. Call disasters ‘Huether’. He’s the mayor with all the power but also all the blame.

  7. The ice storm made headlines on the Mpls evening newscasts. I hope everyone is safe, dry, and warm.

    The cause of the storm is Sanford’s wrath for the Fairview deal falling through.
    Just becaue you have money, it doesn’t give you an excuse to stick your pee-pee anywhere you want. The people of Minnesota have spoken. I’m proud to be a Minnesotan. T Denny can kiss my ass. Ya shure ya betcha!

  8. Fairview wouldn’t have been at the table if they didn’t need a partner. I’m guessing AG Swaonson will have a nice contribution from Mayo when she makes her next move.

  9. The great irony of this storm is that finally the weather is the legitimate news for once. I am sure Stormland reported on it, but I like so many others could not watch it because of the power outages.

    Maybe it is not so much irony… as poetic justice…..

    One final note, I noticed that almost all of the businesses had power throughout this storm. Sure they may have had back-up generators or were further away from the dangling trees than most residential areas… but are these the real reasons?

    Or did the City and the power company commit electrical triage at the expense of the residents? And if they did, maybe this was a good idea, because at least the citizens could go to work to save their wages and stay warm and informed. But who makes such a decision? And how democratic was it? And how safe was it for our retired and aging population who tend to stay home the most?

    Just some thoughts from one who was without power for 60 hours and has tired of eating at McDonalds every day for the past week.

  10. One other thought, a few months ago many of us were severely critical of the Stormland “over” coverage of the power outage in downtown Sioux Falls. Asking the question… “Is this really news when a diner does not know what to do with its perishables?”

    But, maybe there is more to all of this than meets the eye.
    Maybe the media coverage of the downtown power outage, a few months ago, speaks not so much to the sophomoric qualities of that reporting, rather it speaks volumes to the hidden or subliminal news story of how the business community was literally hit at ground zero, that time, when it comes to its capacity to function and its inability, that time, to pass on this vulnerability or pain to others like the local citizenry/residents.

    Just some thoughts from a guy who has lately had too much McDonald’s… Perhaps, Big Macs are to blame… They just fuel to much cynicism…

  11. Winston, some businesses did lose power. We had various stores closed throughout the crisis, but we’re not like Tom Walsh and go crying to the media whenever it happens. Overall, though, a storm like this is going to affect residential areas more than commercial. Most of the power outages happened because trees or branches snapped power lines. Obviously, residential areas have more trees, and the worst areas were the older neighborhoods where a combo of huge, old trees and outdated, above-ground wiring created most of the problems.

  12. Scott, your points are well taken, but since I made my comments, KELO has now reported that in the city of Worthington, Mn., at least, they did turn power off to different neighborhoods at different times to share the pain …

    So maybe my theory is more credible than I have even claimed(?). I do know that within the city of Sioux Falls a lot of people loss and regain power on the hour or the half an hour…. coincidental?

    Also, a lot of people in newly developed areas with few trees and buried lines lost power too….?

    But then again, I also do not believe that a single gunman could have fired off three+ shots in six seconds with a Mannlicher-Carcano bolt-action rifle or that Bush won Florida….. but I do believe that we went to the Moon, and I also believe that Elvis is dead and Tupac too.

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