After seeing the above billboard last week (and laughing my ass off) I figured out that Dan Daily is behind

At a recent South DaCola Fest he told the attendees he ‘MAY’ be buying billboards. I called him and asked about the billboards. All he said to me is that he did purchase them and they have been running for a few weeks, but he wouldn’t tell me how long they would run or what was going to be on them. He did say though that they will change weekly and so does the location. I guess it is a ‘work in progress’.

By l3wis

22 thoughts on “Who is Zamby?”
  1. Saw this driving down 41st last week. Haven’t checked out the site yet, but must admit it surprised me a little that someone would care enough to buy ad space in a non-election year.

  2. A guy with an axe to grind with the city of Sioux Falls for the last 7 years….And he won. And he must have money to throw around if he buys billboards.

    Zamby – Go ask the present mayor WHY things happen. Not sure he will respond to a billboard he might not drive by. Not sure spending money on some obscure anarchist type message will inspire the citizens of SF who only want to get their kids to soccer practice on time.

  3. Zamby is the same guy that was known to get upset at people for not using their real names on Internet forums.

    Go figure.

  4. Tom – Dan is the guy who beat the city in the SD Supreme Court. You can click on his case files to your top right of this page.

    Zamby – I saw you had pickles on the board yesterday to.

  5. Zamby is the same person that wasted $50,000 of his own money and god knows how many tax payer dollars for a slab of concrete next to his driveway.

  6. He has money to burn and an ax to grind and his ego is the only thing benefiting. It is masturbatory at best.

  7. I appreciate Dan standing up for citizen rights, and you have to give credit to someone who took action based upon principle rather than backing down due to costs.

    I was sort of hoping that eventually Dan would be compensated for his expenses however. Has that ever happened or will it happen?

  8. Craig – I think Dan said he received like $1000 from the city in the form of 3 payments. But I may be wrong, you would have to ask him. I think over the 7 years he spent about $50,000.

    AG – As Dan has said to me about the billboards, he says it money better spent then on attorneys.

  9. It’s dumb and does nothing but stroke his ego. Ultimately it is his money and he can do whatever he wants with it.
    Plaintiff Guy is the Mayor of Crazy Town, and these stupid billboards and his rambling nonsensical “website” cements that position.

  10. AG – I look at it two ways, I see your point. I think Dan knows he has nothing to lose, so why not. But I also see this as a light-hearted way to make the public aware of what their government is up to. I think using satire and nonsensical messages is a great way to inform the public of the other side. Is it any more ridiculous then the mayor holding a press conference anytime he takes a shit? And putting his BS spin on everything. Just look at the baloney he fed us about the EC. We also know MMM doesn’t have a sense of humor, humor is the best way to combat him and his ilk.

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