May 2013

More turnover at the Washington Pavilion

Another key employee is leaving the Pavilion, the curator. And as you can see, the Development Director’s job is still NOT listed.

As I started looking into the sudden Departure of the Development Director, I also heard rumors about similar trouble in the Visual Arts Center.

As of right now, I can’t really say what is going on with these recent departures (except that the curator did find another job on her own and is resigning by her own free will because of the new job). Also there hasn’t been any clear story presented to me, yet.

I am hoping Pavilion Management will present the public with a full disclosure about the recent departures.

I know some people think I am posting about this stuff because I have ‘it in for’ the Pavilion, but to tell you the truth, consider the Pavilion receives public subsidies, not just from the taxpayers of Sioux Falls, but from the state and the Federal Government.

There needs to be some explanations. SOON!

I also want to remind my readers if you have heard ‘similar’ rumors to please refrain from commenting on them here, please send me a personal email.

So the city has ‘No legal obligation’ to stay within the $115 million dollar price tag on the Events Center?

Remember this ad? Click to enlarge

If you watch the SF City Council Informational meeting from last Tuesday (FF: 31:00) City Attorney, David Fiddle-Faddle admits to councilor Jamison that the city doesn’t have to ‘legally’ follow the pricetag.

Greg, “What kind of legal commitment does the city have to stay within that $115 Million Dollar pricetag (sic)?”

David, “We don’t have one, the election was simply an ADVISORY election to try to stay within that dollar amount. By state law, since it was an advisory election, the city has no legal obligation to stay within that dollar amount (sic).”

Of course, Entenman and Cotter defend the election and reassure Greg that they will stay within that price limit. Diamond Jim goes on to say that he is pretty sure Greg will let them know if it goes over that amount.

This is very important to watch. The city has already spent CIP money for water and utility hookup to the EC. They are also using CIP and State money to improve the roads in the area. They have also switched sewer and water upgrades over to enterprise funds instead of the CIP. The mayor and his administration have carefully been moving around money through the use of small, time graduated, resolutions. You also have to take into account, additional parking, or a parking ramp will have to be built at the EC site in the near future.

I am glad Jamison asked the question, and now we have the city attorney on record.

Why is Duper Super Homan’s contract kept a secret until after it is signed

While there is plenty I could say about Homan getting an $8700 a raise next year and a month of vacation, it is the secrecy of her contract that kinda chaps my hide;

Homan did not want the $15,339 raise, however. She met with the school board and agreed to take a 4.87 percent raise next year — worth $8,747 — the same rate awarded other school and school district administrators under their new working agreements.

“I think Dr. Homan was a little bit uncomfortable with it,” said school board president Doug Morrison. “The board certainly would have stood behind the contract … but she wanted to take a look at it.”

Homan’s salary next school year will be $188,355.

She felt uncomfortable? BAHAHA! Like how she feels uncomfortable about a $100 a week slush fund and free vehicle usage. Yeah right. And of course Morrison stands behind it, because instead of the school board being the watchdogs of the administration they are the lapdogs. Anything you say Master Homan. But what do you expect when you pay the people who are supposed to be watching her $75 per meeting, and the employee they are supposed to be watching over $200,000 a year (when you include fringe benefits).

But why the secrecy around the contract?

Konrad said the new contract authorized by the board Tuesday would not immediately be made public because it has not yet been signed. She did release what she said was the new language within that contract.

The school district has not made the full text of the new five-year working agreement for teachers public, either. The teachers union voted for the new contract April 17, but only the salary schedule is now available online.

“The working agreements are still being put into written form,” Konrad said. “They don’t go into effect until July 1, and they will be posted with that timeline in mind.”

In my opinion, once the contracts have been read by the employees, they should become public immediately. What is there to hide? I actually think it is a good idea for the public to view the contracts BEFORE they are signed. I think the public weighing in, especially on Homan’s contract is important. But I wouldn’t expect anything less out of the rubber stamp school board and Ms. Secrecy Homan.

Why do some city officials want to refuse FEMA Money?

Why are we so adamant about not excepting this money?

A few questions to ask;

Would this allocation come with an audit of how the city spends the money? Are some in the city wanting to hide our books?

Remember when we refused to WAIT for CORPs money for the levees and paid for it ourselves? Why?

How about all the dilly-dallying around on the RR relocation project and money promised after environmental assessments?

And now we don’t want to take the money for ice storm cleanup.

You also have to take into account that this is OUR money. We pay federal income taxes, so this really isn’t a handout, it is money we paid in.

What is the city hiding that they don’t want us to know? Hmmm.

Why does Mayor Huether HATE disabled people?

Well, he actually doesn’t, but he surely doesn’t want to subsidize paratransit for them (Item #26).

Huether was trying to pull a fast one, and cut paratransit funding (hours), and the ENTIRE council voted down his ill-conceived plan, and told him why it was stupid. He was clearly angry after the vote. He doesn’t take defeat lightly.

Some people are speculating why the mayor wants to cut funding, especially since we are spending millions on a new EC, a river greenway (FREE landscaping to a private developer) and have $45 million in reserves.

As one of the user’s of paratransit testified Tuesday night,

“I think it is great that we are building and funding a new Events Center, but if you cut Paratransit hours, I won’t be able to attend any concerts there.” (sic).

Oh the irony in that statement.

As someone said to me about the mayor’s proposal, “It was a pretty ‘Pukey’ move.”