The commission decided today to leave the petitioners policy in front of the administration building ‘As is’ with possible improvements. They have also posted the policy on the building for petitioners to read. The commission is also considering budgeting for improving the entry way to make it more ADA compliant.

I will applaud the Commission for listening to constituents on this issue and making a common sense decision allowing petitioners to easily petition their government instead of making it more difficult.

2 Thoughts on “Minnehaha County Commission leaves petition policy ‘As is’

  1. Testor15 on May 14, 2013 at 4:40 pm said:

    The city council and mayor could take lessons from the county commission.

  2. Pathloss on May 14, 2013 at 7:01 pm said:

    The county recognizes democracy and serves the population. The city is a crime syndicate that makes leaders rich and regards citizens as funding slaves.

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