May 2013

Chad Huwe, City Engineer, denies there was any ‘agreement’ with developers when the 2nd penny was raised to a full penny

Of course, Council Anderson reminds Huwe that there was a ‘soft’ agreement (Item C – PDF DOC: platting). I also remember a city funded website that Munson had put up to sell the public on the idea. The Developers promised they would put in 50%, and when that didn’t happen, they blamed the economy (Taxpayers have put in about 5x more then developers, not quite a 50/50 split.

The reality of all this is that the city will NEVER get 50% from the developers. Why? As I was reminded yesterday,

1) Sanford and Avera are paying NO platting fees on redevelopment, and they are some of the biggest developers in SF, who also got to attend the arterial street meetings. So I guess they get to have a say, but don’t have to pay for it. Hmm.

2) We hand out more property tax breaks (TIF’s) to developers then what we collect on platting.

As I told someone yesterday, not only are the developers running this town, they are robbing the taxpayers blind (TIF’s, arterial roads, Greenway landscaping for private hotel) and Mayor Huether and Darrin Smith are driving the getaway car. But hey, we better cut funding to Paratransit.

¡Ay, caramba! Election Night!

Meet your new council chair

I wonder if Diamond Jim realizes as council chair he has to show up to meetings (Item #28), you know, to make up rules that don’t exist and to censor public testimony. Karsky got council vice-chair. I love how there was no other nominations for either seat, and they both got elected 8-0. I think Jamison, Staggers and Anderson were glad they were not nominated. The job comes with a lot of ‘crust’ and ‘posturing’.

Kent Alberty and Carly Reiter were elected to the school board. Hopefully Carly will take Kent’s rubber stamp at the first meeting and beat him over the head with it (or at least smash it with her foot.)

So is there any reason why the city can’t build a Public Indoor pool with the school district?

I found this video interesting. It was the annoucement of the Hayward School Clinic that was built in cooperation with the School District, the City and the Feds. But gee, for some reason we can’t cooperate on building a public indoor pool?

I guess the city is already scrambling to find another location for an indoor pool if Spellerberg fails. Here is a suggestion, BUILD THE POOL WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT!

VOTE Schorzmann, Reiter for SF School Board

Don’t forget to vote in Tuesday’s School Board Election, May 21. The school district will once again be using super precincts and you can vote at ANY location OR at the county administration building, absentee.

I feel that Schorzman and Reiter will bring fresh ideas to the school board. Joshua wants to have monthly informational meetings for the public, something the City Council does on a weekly basis. Reiter is a young mother who is very well-informed when it comes to public education in our community.

I don’t really have a position on Leedom, except that Joshua and Carly seem more qualified. As for Alberty, it time to retire his Homan Rubberstamp. School Board members should be watchdogs of the Administration, not lapdogs.

A therapy pool at Spellerberg? Doubtful.

One of the many things the Indoorers are pushing for is a therapy pool if an indoor pool is built at Spellerberg for the Vets;

At Tues evening’s May 14th city council meeting, during the public comment section, there was an organized effort by indoor pool supporters to cheer-lead the issue of placement of an indoor aquatic complex in Spellerberg Park.  It is to be noted that none of those speakers addressed the LACK OF CLEAR TITLE regarding the land called Spellerberg Park.

One talking point made by Mr Sommervold is the inclusion of a therapy pool for veterans.  Who is promising this?  ACCORDING TO THE POWER POINT HANDED OUT AT THE CITY COUNCIL’S INFORMATIONAL MEETING, THERE IS NO THERAPY POOL INCLUDED IN THE NEW AQUATIC POOL PLAN from Counsilman-Hunsaker.    The power point says they are recommending option 5 (large indoor) defined as: Indoor 50 meter by 25 yard competition pool with springboard diving and separate 3750 sq ft indoor leisure pool with current channel and waterslide.

This apparently means the plan would have to be changed before the council could vote on acceptance/rejection, or someone is making empty promises to veterans.  Furthermore, adding a therapy pool  for veterans to option 5 will significantly increase cost above the $18M plus being suggested right now.  Incidentally, this money will need to be borrowed and added to our present city debt of $398,868,664 as of December 31, 2012.

While I think this is a great idea and a nice gesture, we have to wonder if this is just a false campaign promise;

We attended the 4pm council meeting May 14th and I picked up a copy of the power point used to present the aquatic plan to the council.  Option 5 below is copied from the power point. There is no therapy pool in the plan. From a bit of researching others have done, the water needs to kept much warmer (10 degrees or more) than for regular pools.  Also, I have been told, there are other physical differences between a therapy pool and a regular leisure pool.  Additionally there is the issue of employing therapists.  A therapy pool would significantly increase the current estimated cost of the Counsilman-Hunsaker plan!

The issue is that a therapy pool is not in the plan before the city council, but it is being dangled out there as probability or even possibly a “done deal”, and you voters/veterans will need to support the current plan to help us get this accomplished.  The second part of the issue is who is the source of this talk or proposal?

So who is floating this idea? The mayor? Or the Indoorers? Either way, doesn’t matter because it is NOT in the current Indoor pool plan. I hope once the indoor pool fails at Spellerberg, the city finally awakens from their deep sleep and either builds a pool at one of the HS’s or at the Sanford Sports Complex. It is no secret who will be using a public indoor pool, people who competitively swim, so put it where it would get the best use. Duh.