May 2013

Lies, Projectors & Hotels

Director Cooper says we have to ‘Start Over’.

Not sure if you watched the SF City Council meeting last night, but you missed a doozy. (FF to 52:00)

Mike Cooper pretty much throws the Shape SF petitioners under the bus. He drags his community development manager up to the podium to cry about how senior low-income housing is being delayed due to going back to the old zoning laws. While the CD Manager admits during his testimony they have been working on funding this project for several years, (Remember, Shape SF just passed the city council last month) When Director Cooper is asked by Councilor Anderson if this project was in the works before Shape SF passed, Cooper says , ‘NO!’ To which Anderson just shakes his head. Then Cooper says, “Ah, we were in a transition period.” Now I am not saying Cooper is lying, but . . . . It seems the planning office ‘just assumed’ Shape SF would pass, so they started using the new ordinance before it was voted on by the council. And I thought I was good at predicting the city council, looks like Cooper has me beat.

It seems the city has started their ‘Hater’ campaign against the petitioners to.

Film Projector, A ‘City Council’ expense?

If you look at ITEM #44, 1st Reading, you will see that the council is appropriating the $1.8 million dollar surplus. Cleverly hidden under a ‘City Council’ expense is $63,000 for a film projector, for THE STATE THEATRE. While I am extremely supportive of the State Theatre and the asset it will be DT, I am a little weary about buying them a projector since the Theatre has established itself already as a non-public entity (not owned by the city). The city has already given a gracious gift to help make repairs to the building. I think the State will do just fine without any more handouts from the city. I do know that councilors Staggers and Anderson plan to amend this expense in the 2nd reading.

No Hotel, No small meeting rooms but lots of excuses

Gotta love the CVB. On the run up to building the EC they were cheerleaders about how we need a larger entertainment facility to bring in bigger conventions. Now that the building is being constructed they are back to more excuses, NO second-site HOTEL, Convention center needs more small meeting rooms, blah, blah, blah. Here’s the deal folks, we don’t need a bigger convention center and we certainly don’t need a 12,000 seat EC. But hey, when the subsidies start piling up we will at least have plenty of excuses.

An article you WON’T see in the Argus Leader

Graphic: (click to enlarge)

While we sit around in Sux Falls and have fairy plum dreams about Sanford, REAL journalists, at REAL newspapers, write REAL stories about Sanford;

Swanson, whose office regulates charitable hospitals and other nonprofits, called the naming rights deals and sports investments a concern.

“The extraneous spending by Sanford Health seems inconsistent with a charitable hospital’s mission of delivering high-quality patient care at the lowest cost,” she said.


SHAPE Sioux Falls petitions have been verified and certified, but you didn’t hear it from me

I guess the press release fell on the floor or something, but on Thursday the SF city clerk verified that the Shape SF peeps had enough signatures to put the zoning ordinance on the ballot. I know about it, (some) of the city councilors know about it, but apparently the news media has been stone cold silent about it. Maybe they had an important bike ride to tend to first before telling us, or a human interest story (hatchet job) they had to shelve. Who knows? So I guess Detroit is going to tell you about it first.


(I guess after the mystical formulas were applied to the petitions they had around 5,300 valid signatures)

SF City Council plans to change city ordinance so you can have a beer at Falls Park

In a historic move, the city is planning to change city ordinance so a vendor can be allowed to serve alcohol at a city park (Item #45).

While I am not opposed to serving alcohol at Falls Park (heck, you can walk over to the Silver Moon if you really need a drink) I think they should use the license for catered events only, like weddings. I really don’t see the need for a family cafe serving beer. I also find it unusual the city and the council would jump thru so many hoops to make this possible. I guess it is ‘who you know’ not ‘what you know’ in this town 🙂