May 2013

Why did the SD School of Mines hire right-wing extremist Heather Wilson as President?

I can’t even remember all the bat-shit crazy right-winger things she has done, but this isn’t good kids;

Heather Wilson, a Republican former member of the U.S. House of  Representatives from New Mexico, is the new president for the South Dakota  School of Mines and Technology

No doubt that Wilson has a ‘science’ resume. But her ‘political’ resume reads like a mob hitman’s;

In the lead up to that primary, Wilson  suffered a series of public relations blows for her role in the U.S. attorneys’ scandal, improperly politicized firings of U.S. prosecutors by the Bush  administration, which Democrats spent months investigating in 2007 and 2008. A  lot of information about Wilson’s role wasn’t ever really scrutinized to the  extent it could have been because she lost her first Senate bid.

Wilson always had a close race to keep her House seat, and the 2006 election  was no different. At the beginning of the U.S. attorneys  scandal, former New Mexico U.S. Attorney David Iglesias, a Republican, accused  Wilson of contacting him in mid-October 2006 while he was still in office to  pressure him to take action on a political corruption case, which Wilson was  using as political fodder against her opponent Patricia Madrid.  Anti-intimidation rules prohibit elected officials from contacting U.S.  attorneys to inquire about progress on a case.

After the Wilson call, Iglesias said her mentor, Domenici, then called him  and angrily hung up when Iglesias objected and told him the call was  inappropriate. Wilson has long refuted Iglesias’ account, arguing the calls were  aimed at checking on the status of the investigation, not influencing it.

Here is a longer version of the same story.

And I guess if you like GW Cronies running our state universities, you will like this;

On key votes in 2003 (as defined by the organizations themselves), Wilson  voted the position of the Christian Coalition 76% of the time (92% of the time  in 2002); 62% of the time shared the position of the Eagle Forum (73% in 2002); and 72% of the time for the  positions of American Conservative Union (73% in 2002).
She routinely  receives scores of 0 from the American Civil Liberties Union, Peace Action, and  the Human Rights Campaign. In 2002 she received a 9% score from the League of  Conservation Voters.
And Cory Madville adds one more log on the fire, making fun of gays is okay, because Heather thinks it is ‘just teasing’.

Wilson opposed anti-bullying laws, comparing anti-gay bullying to mere “teasing.” Earlier this year, she outlined her opposition to SB 555, the Student Non-Discrimination Act, explaining that “with respect to this particular agenda we have to recognize as parents that children tease each other.” Wilson mocked the bill — which would merely provide LGBT students with similar civil rights protections against bullying to those already granted to students bullied based on race and gender — dismissing it as “so broad it would actually punish children and say that it’s prohibited to express an opinion with respect to homosexuality in the schools” [Josh Israel, “Better Know An Anti-LGBT Senate Candidate: Former Rep. Heather Wilson (R-NM),” Think Progress, 2012.09.05].

State funded ALEC trips and hiring an extremist to run one of our state universities. Some days, South Dakota makes me so proud 🙁