I guess the press release fell on the floor or something, but on Thursday the SF city clerk verified that the Shape SF peeps had enough signatures to put the zoning ordinance on the ballot. I know about it, (some) of the city councilors know about it, but apparently the news media has been stone cold silent about it. Maybe they had an important bike ride to tend to first before telling us, or a human interest story (hatchet job) they had to shelve. Who knows? So I guess Detroit is going to tell you about it first.


(I guess after the mystical formulas were applied to the petitions they had around 5,300 valid signatures)

4 Thoughts on “SHAPE Sioux Falls petitions have been verified and certified, but you didn’t hear it from me

  1. Testor15 on May 6, 2013 at 8:39 am said:

    Once again the failure of the Sioux Falls media to report. Everyday there appears to be less reason to watch, read or care about the established media outlets.

  2. pathloss on May 6, 2013 at 10:22 am said:

    Local TV has been to busy manufacturing corn commercials. The Argus keeps content down so there’s room for obituaries and city notices. On the other hand, the 5 Sanford councilors will vote no or postpone athe election. This time, the argument will be there must be a snowgates election first.

  3. pathloss on May 6, 2013 at 10:24 am said:

    God, I gave those idiots an excuse.

  4. Testor15 on May 7, 2013 at 10:54 am said:

    It appears once again the magic collection number to pass petition muster at City Hall is plan for a 20% signature failure rate. The magically – mystical formula as applied by the clerk’s office will deduct the 20% off the top. In the future, when collecting signatures for an issue to be brought to a vote is submit 6400+ to have the final number of 5300.

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