South DaCola

So the city has ‘No legal obligation’ to stay within the $115 million dollar price tag on the Events Center?

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If you watch the SF City Council Informational meeting from last Tuesday (FF: 31:00) City Attorney, David Fiddle-Faddle admits to councilor Jamison that the city doesn’t have to ‘legally’ follow the pricetag.

Greg, “What kind of legal commitment does the city have to stay within that $115 Million Dollar pricetag (sic)?”

David, “We don’t have one, the election was simply an ADVISORY election to try to stay within that dollar amount. By state law, since it was an advisory election, the city has no legal obligation to stay within that dollar amount (sic).”

Of course, Entenman and Cotter defend the election and reassure Greg that they will stay within that price limit. Diamond Jim goes on to say that he is pretty sure Greg will let them know if it goes over that amount.

This is very important to watch. The city has already spent CIP money for water and utility hookup to the EC. They are also using CIP and State money to improve the roads in the area. They have also switched sewer and water upgrades over to enterprise funds instead of the CIP. The mayor and his administration have carefully been moving around money through the use of small, time graduated, resolutions. You also have to take into account, additional parking, or a parking ramp will have to be built at the EC site in the near future.

I am glad Jamison asked the question, and now we have the city attorney on record.

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