South DaCola

Why did the Pavilion’s Development Director suddenly leave?

Seems a little ODD that someone who has been doing the job for almost 6 years just suddenly leaves without a peep from Pavilion management. She has also been removed from there management page with NO replacement listed.

According to Allison’s professional page;

Director of Development

Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science

Nonprofit; 51-200 employees; Museums and Institutions industry

September 2007– May 2013 (5 years 9 months)

Responsible for creating and implementing the annual Development Plan.  Work with a wonderful team of 5 full-time employees who coordinate grant writing, membership recruitment/retention, donations, special projects and volunteers.  They are simply the joy of my professional life.  Contribute over $1,000,000 toward the operating budget of the Washington Pavilion.  Commited to providing quality experiences for all the patrons of the Pavilion.  Proudly a member of thePavilion’s Director Management Team.

Usually when a high-profile management person leaves the Pavilion there is at least some kind of an announcement. Allison’s job was very important, she was in charge of bringing in grant money, donations and other subsidies to the Pavilion. This is not position that just goes away quietly in the night.

Maybe I am misinformed and missed a media piece about it or a press release. If so, please forward it to me, I would like to clarify her departure. The Pavilion had a rough year in 2012, wondering if there is a piece of the puzzle we are missing here?


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