South DaCola

Another episode of “Shut up and listen”

I attended the neighborhood meeting today at 85th & Audie, and I will have to give MMM credit, he was dropped into a hornet’s nest, and of course, patted himself on the back for being one of the few politicians who would do this. The only other city employee in attendance was Planning Director Mike Cooper, who also answered questions. No Walmart representatives, no city councilors and no one from Lloyd companies.

Some memorable moments were when one guy said, ” Why don’t you do a little less talking, and a little more listening.(sic)”

Another resident told the mayor they don’t trust the system and that is why they intervened, and stopped Shape Sioux Falls.

But things really heated up when one citizen said that he was in reelection mode. He didn’t like that too much, and made the guy say it again. He of course said he wasn’t. Go figure.

Mike also said he wishes he could take credit for all the development in town, but thanked the Planning department.

The mood from the crowd was that Walmart didn’t make the concessions they wanted, a smaller store and not 24/7. MMM of course claims the planning department is simply following rules by making recommendations. And here is the stickler with that statement. If Walmart has the legal right to build at that location, why does the council have to approve it? The simple answer is they don’t have to, that is why it is being brought to a vote. They can simply say no, like they did when they wanted to build at 69th.

I have said all along, most of the residents who don’t support the Walmart built their homes BEFORE 2009 when the area was rezoned. They have a right to oppose this and stop the store. I wish them luck, but when the city see’s dollar signs (in the form of retail tax revenue) they have one mission, ignore the citizens and prop up big business.

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