
While I was over on the DWC Propaganda Machine, I found this video. I really don’t give two-shits what happens in the Senate race, but enjoyed this Blake Curd moment;


9 Thoughts on “Are they Custards? (H/T – DWC)

  1. larry kurtz on June 18, 2013 at 2:01 pm said:

    PP and the Two Shits: has a nice ring to it.

  2. rufusx on June 18, 2013 at 5:08 pm said:

    Oh look – a sideways promotion (upping the awareness – any news is good news) of another TEA party candidate.

  3. scott on June 18, 2013 at 6:25 pm said:

    Wasn’t she on KELO not long ago complaining how the state medical board screwed her over and that she had to live in an RV?

  4. I was told she is being prodded by some in the repub party to make sure the Rounds campaign has some weight and to keep this primary in the news. Make sure he looks like a winner by beating a shill.

    She has numerous issues. Settled a suit against her over medicaid payments, recently had property foreclosed in Hartford and (my favorite) she posted on Facebook that Che Guevera was a was her beacon or some bullshit.
    Me thinks shes written too many scripts for herself.

    So she’d make an excellent democrat senator.

    Hehe…Uh OH. Did I just drop another live grenade in here.Let the bullets fly at that one yall. 😉

  5. I wanna get drunk with LJL.

  6. hornguy on June 19, 2013 at 10:39 am said:

    Her candidacy has all the makings of a Christopher Guest movie.

  7. Ruf – Yeah, you know me, big teabagger supporter. NOT! But Custards on the other hand, love them. I might just go to Culvers right now and get a cone.

  8. pathloss on June 19, 2013 at 6:31 pm said:

    I’d worry if I were Custer. There’s the chance of an indian massacre. Don’t use foul language because then you CussedHer.

  9. PL – Ever heard of Wounded Knee? I am just saying.

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