9 Thoughts on “H/T – Anon

  1. Poly43 on June 2, 2013 at 5:35 pm said:

    We’ve got a lot of hidden costs yet to come.
    Roadways leading to this painted pig. Think Russell Avenue. Think Madison Avenue. Think Westport Avenue. Think at least 50 million in street upgrades we did not need before.


    Think utility upgrades to accomadate the “expectation” of 12,000 event goers. Think several million for utilities.

    12,000 seats over what was a flat parking lot means several million more in sewer/water supply.


    Parking Facilities will a minimum of 10 million to the project.


    Odds are we’ll need a couple of elevated walkways over Russell and Western Avenues. Seven figures there.


    The good mayor also says in today’s edition of “investigative” journalism the EC will make us ready to compete with the big boys in America. Maybe a real investigative newspaper would ask who these big boys are.

  2. pathloss on June 2, 2013 at 8:04 pm said:

    How come the 100 mil bond is exhausted & the EC is not finished? How come the city has again gone after unsubstantiated citizen fines to add to the city bank? How come new debt is 400 mil when Munson left with only 80 mil? Realistically, we’re funding a predicted cost 320 mil EC yet we’ve been bluffed with the Huether 100 mil lie. There’s a lotta book cookin goin on. There’s a new restaurant in slum surrounded downtown. It’s at city hall. They’re eating our money. Tastes like paper & red from mimimum wage earners blood.

  3. pathloss on June 2, 2013 at 8:09 pm said:

    Pathetic narcisist man but let’s buy him tennis courts & an indoor pool.

  4. Poly43 on June 2, 2013 at 8:26 pm said:

    And in the same breath throw paratransit riders under the bus.

  5. PL, city debt was $90 million when HANSON left office, not Munson, just to clarify.

    “today’s edition of “investigative” journalism”

    Had to laugh at Ellis’ article. When you have to write a column defending your journalistic standards, you have already lost your readers.

  6. anominous on June 3, 2013 at 11:02 am said:

    There’s still enough space for Zamby to sit on that thing.

  7. hornguy on June 3, 2013 at 12:07 pm said:

    I too thought that Ellis column on investigative journalism was weird. Reminded me a bit of that restaurant in Arizona that was on “Kitchen Nightmares” and start responding aggressively to critics on Facebook. If they’re really confident in the amount of quality journalism being done over there, they should have no problems letting that work speak for itself.

  8. “they should have no problems letting that work speak for itself.”

    Exactly. And what is wrong with doing ANOTHER story about ALEC? They act like people have an AL library in their basement. “Oh, ALEC, I remember that story they wrote 3 years ago, let me go down to my archives.”

  9. pathloss on June 4, 2013 at 10:59 am said:

    I hear Zamby worked for the Argus but quit because they’d not see, hear, or say no evil about the city. I saw him swinging with pickleball monkeys. If he doesn’t work he should apply for a career at the city.

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