I usually don’t get to excited about public art in Sioux Falls, but this project is pretty cool;
At 6 p.m., the Sioux Falls Mural will be dedicated at Meldrum Park, that is on the corner of 6th Street and Lewis Avenue.
Recently when I was in Ft. Collins I noticed that the city commissioned artists to paint all of the transformer boxes around town. I also have a friend who is studying public art in Mexico City for a few months, and has posted some cool stuff on FB. I think Sioux Falls needs more community mural projects like this, especially DT. We need to be a little more Primary colors and a lot less beige.
Love the idea of painting transformer boxes and other types of “landscape clutter” like the boxes that house stoplight controls.
I’ve always said when you give artists an outlet they will embrace it. It reduces vandalism and graffiti if you give that creativity a canvas.
Somewhat related point – I’ve always said the railroads should park a line of cars on a seldom used section of track, tape off the car tracking numbers, reflectors, and other vitals, and then setup time for artists to paint the cars in the daylight rather than under the cover or darkness. It would be a win-win… they could even sponsor some scholarships to art colleges and work with a photographer to capture some of the best art which could then be reproduced in a coffee table book.
The way it is now, some of the best artists are unknown, their art is under-appreciated and seldom seen, and they are criminals for engaging in it. Plus the railroad has ongoing expense of having to re-paint the car markings and having to run around replacing reflectors (which are required by law so it isn’t like they can avoid it).
Love the mural. How incredibly vibrant for this neighborhood!
I have it from an inside source that nearly 100% of the budget for this project was spent on ‘Design’.
No way Tom… they had to rent the skylift! That was a blatant handout to United Rentals if I’ve ever seen one!
PUBLIC basketball court? I thought the tea party was opposed to PUBLIC parks? (And PUBLIC pools).
I’m surprised this is allowed under those 1983 zoning ordinances.