South DaCola

So what are those ‘Lies’?

The AL has refused to print some of my letters in the past, for various reasons, one reason they have given me is ‘accusatory’ in nature. This letter writer has accused petitioners of ‘lying’ yet doesn’t state what those ‘lies’ are. Why would the editors allow a letter that ‘accuses’ someone of lying, but the letter writer doesn’t tell us what those lies are;

They were misinformed, and one person even said that he was lied to about the reason for the petition and what they stated.

Throughout the rest of the letter, they talk about ‘lies & misinformation’ yet don’t tell us what those lies are. Are they afraid if they would print those ‘lies’ we would find them to be much more truthful then what the letter writer is claiming? I do know the Spellerberg petitioners have done their research, and last I checked, a petition signature IS NOT a vote, it just allows for something to be put on the ballot. This ain’t a done deal, far from it. This letter writer will have plenty of time to ‘inform’ people before the vote, spreading their own form of the ‘truth’.

Everyone does know this, The Indoorers have had over 6 years to raise money for their own indoor pool, and the most they have come up with is to buy some t-shirts. They also know that the location is much too small and has no room for expansion, unless of course you want to destroy the whole park, they also know that this will cause parking problems for the VA, and lastly, the only ones supporting an indoor pool are the swim teams parents who are butt hurt that they don’t have their own public facility like hockey, tennis, etc. Yet they have contributed nothing accept asking for a 100% handout from the taxpayers. Enough of the subsidies and handout to club sports in this town. You want an indoor pool? You think we really NEED one? Then go knock on the Hospital’s doors and see if they will foot the bill.

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