It only took the AL’s ED board about a year and a half to figure out what kind of scoundrel Jason Gant is, then they decide to give him a free pass;
Under the circumstances, it might be tempting to ask for his resignation. But the reality is, with little more than a year left on his term, the ramifications of pushing such an agenda would be nastier than our state can tolerate.
Our recommendation: Grit our teeth until his term expires while urging him to not seek re-election, and watch him like a hawk.
Why fire a guy who has screwed up numerous times, just give him another year to do more damage, it is only the whole state who suffers under his stupidity. The last sentence boggles the mind;
It is hard to know how such people ever get in office in the first place.
It’s the AL who endorses these clowns in the first place, then when they F’ck up, they trash them in an editorial, then tell the public we just have to put up with them for another year or so. Enough already. All the editorial boards in the state need to call for Gant’s resignation.
Hey, Sue Roust, looking for another part-time gig until next November?