I have often wondered how much more bungling & bumbling, lying & cheating our unethical Secretary of State will have to commit before the citizens of this state finally say bye-bye?

How many times do you have to get caught with your underwear on your head before we cut you loose?

Heck even the Argue Endorser is running rough-shot over you, caught you at blatant lies, or just blatant stupidity (that one is hard to differentiate between with Jason).

Remember though, Gantless is chief money raiser for the SD GOP and an ALEC soldier (voter suppression agenda). He does have support from the ‘elites’ in the SD GOP, but the ‘baggers’ are not big fans.

I’m thinking at this point, Lora Hubbel could probably even beat him in the convention 🙂

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Gant continues to get caught with his underwear on his head”
  1. The guy has an ‘R’ after his name… he is pretty much set until his own party gets sick of him. Considering they haven’t really been complaining, I’m assuming that he would need to be caught on video beheading a bag of kittens while allowing their lifeless bodies to fall upon an American flag before they would try to replace him… and even then their complaint wouldn’t be about the kittens, it would be the fact that the flag touched the ground.

  2. It must be my lucky day. I happen to know some ‘creative’ videographers and a girl who has some kittens up for adoption. Anybody have an American flag I can borrow . . . I mean HAVE?

  3. Mr. Gant is wiggling like a bag of cats on their way to the river indeed, but don’t underestimate his ability to wiggle.

  4. The Argus editorial says today “Under the circumstances, it might be tempting to ask for his (Gants)resignation. But the reality is, with little more than a year left on his term, the ramifications of pushing such an agenda would be nastier than our state can tolerate.”
    What great logic, your house is on fire but why bother to try to save it by calling the fire department, just wait til it burns to the ground.

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