The Charter Revision Commission met for a whole whopping 7 minutes yesterday. In fact the meeting was so brief, a city councilor showed up right before it ended, and an AL reporter showed up as the members were walking out.

There was quite a bit on their agenda though. (don’t be fooled by the SIRE video link, like an old Chrysler in the winter, apparently they have to let SIRE video run for about 15 minutes before the meeting starts, heck and it is even Summer, I suspect this winter they will have to rev’r up about 45 minutes before a meeting starts!)

Here’s a synopsis;

No one from the public had any input.

No directors showed up to comment.

One councilor (Rolfing) showed up, but was late and did not comment.

So onto the agenda (the first part took about 3 minutes)

The city attorney, Fiddle-Faddle decided that the only thing that was important were items 2.02 & 3.02, something to do with 3 days in a month, meetings, blah, blah, blah.

The CRC decided that all other items could wait until a new CRC is appointed, and were unimportant. What I couldn’t figure out was who put these ‘other’ items on the agenda? No one really had an answer.

A very strange meeting, and a pretty lazy CRC. But when you get your ass handed to you, you tend to be a little gun shy.

5 Thoughts on “Charter meeting, all 7 minutes of it

  1. pathloss on September 13, 2013 at 6:16 pm said:

    The city charter is unconstitutional. Citizens are denied due process. Public petitions are ignored. City contracts are not competitive bid. There’s no method of complaint against a city employee. There’s no internal affairs section at SFPD. Present civil procedures are not recognized by the courts. There’s nobody a pending federal civil rights case. There’s no rule of law and nobody shows up because everyone knows the mayor has the power to overrule all CRC input. Why bother?

  2. pathloss on September 13, 2013 at 6:19 pm said:

    Dictatorship (def.), see above

  3. I hope they were paid for their time.

  4. I think they got cookies

  5. I was told that the person who proposed the agenda items that were NOT discussed wasn’t present and didn’t want to pursue them anyway and that is why they were not discussed. It was a city councilor.

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